
Excellence in Business Communication 12th Edition by John Thill test bank

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Learning Outcome:  Discuss the challenges and importance of business communication

12) An example of downward communication is
A) a junior staff person giving information to a staff supervisor.
B) a sales manager giving instructions to a salesperson.
C) an email message about sick leave from one staff secretary to another.
D) a company briefing held on the organization's top floor.
E) a conversation between colleagues that quickly becomes hostile.
Answer:  B
Explanation:  B) Downward communication flows from executives to employees, for example, when the president conveys executive decisions and provides employees information that helps them do their jobs.
LO:  1.2: Explain what it means to communicate as a professional in a business context.
AACSB:  Written and oral communication
Difficulty:  Easy
Classification:  Application
Learning Outcome:  Discuss the challenges and importance of business communication
13) An example of horizontal communication is
A) a junior staff person giving information to a staff supervisor.
B) a company briefing held on the organization's ground floor.
C) an email message about sick leave sent from one department secretary to a secretary in a different department.
D) an email message that sparks a chain of multiple replies.
E) a manager sending an email to his or her staff.
Answer:  C
Explanation:  C) Horizontal communication flows between departments to help employees share information, coordinate tasks, and solve complex problems.
LO:  1.2: Explain what it means to communicate as a professional in a business context.
AACSB:  Written and oral communication
Difficulty:  Moderate
Classification:  Application
Learning Outcome:  Discuss the challenges and importance of business communication

14) Every organization has ________, which encompasses all communication that occurs outside the lines of command in the company's organizational structure.
A) an online social networking presence
B) an extraneous communication network
C) an informal communication network
D) an internal communication network
E) a transitional communication system
Answer:  C
Explanation:  C) Informal communication takes place naturally when employees interact, both on the job and in social settings. Some of it takes place when the formal network doesn't provide information that employees want.
LO:  1.2: Explain what it means to communicate as a professional in a business context.
AACSB:  Written and oral communication
Difficulty:  Moderate
Classification:  Conceptual
Learning Outcome:  Discuss the challenges and importance of business communication
15) In most organizations, the rumor mill tends to be particularly active when
A) employees are satisfied with their jobs.
B) formal communication channels are working efficiently.
C) employees are wasting company time.
D) the formal communication network is not providing the information employees want.
E) there is a lack of gender balance among the employees.
Answer:  D
Explanation:  D) The rumor mill tends to be more active when the formal communication network is not providing the information employees need and want. People feel more comfortable and secure with strong communication. If that breaks down, people will look to informal sources. The other answers don't relate to how a rumor mill works.
LO:  1.2: Explain what it means to communicate as a professional in a business context.
AACSB:  Written and oral communication
Difficulty:  Moderate
Classification:  Synthesis
Learning Outcome:  Discuss the challenges and importance of business communication

16) ________ communication flows between departments to help employees share information, coordinate tasks, and solve complex problems.
A) Upward
B) Downward
C) Horizontal
D) Diagonal
E) Circular
Answer:  C
Explanation:  C) Horizontal communication occurs when a secretary sends an email to another secretary in a different department on a new company wide policy. Upward and downward are other directions that communication can flow in a formal network. There is no such thing as diagonal or circular.
LO:  1.2: Explain what it means to communicate as a professional in a business context.
AACSB:  Written and oral communication
Difficulty:  Easy
Classification:  Conceptual
Learning Outcome:  Discuss the challenges and importance of business communication
17) An audience-centered approach to communication involves
A) saying whatever it takes to win over the members of your audience.



