
Adolescence 17th Edition by John Santrock Test bank

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Learning Goal: 4

117. A disadvantage of cross-sectional research is
A. the variable under investigation is assessed all at the same time.
B. it is not very effective.
C. it gives no information about how individuals change over time.
D. it is time-consuming and expensive to conduct.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
APA: 2.4 Interpret, design, and conduct basic psychological research
Bloom's Taxonomy: Understand
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 4

118. Professor Kelly is interested in seeing how adolescents' prosocial behavior changes over time. He assesses a group of adolescents at ages 12, 15, and 18. Professor Kelly is doing _____ research.
A. sequential
B. longitudinal
C. cross-sectional
D. experimental

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
APA: 2.4 Interpret, design, and conduct basic psychological research
Bloom's Taxonomy: Apply
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 4

119. A disadvantage of longitudinal research is
A. it is expensive to conduct.
B. it is time-consuming to conduct.
C. participants who remain in the study may be dissimilar to those who dropped out.
D. All of these choices are correct.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
APA: 2.4 Interpret, design, and conduct basic psychological research
Bloom's Taxonomy: Understand
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 4

120. Which of the following is NOT one of the APA's guidelines for ethical research?
A. full disclosure to participants regarding the exact nature of the research
B. informed consent
C. confidentiality
D. debriefing

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
APA: 3.1 Apply ethical standards to evaluate psychological science and practice
Bloom's Taxonomy: Analyze
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 4

121. Melissa has agreed to participate in a 90-day study of food preferences among adolescents. After participating for two weeks, Melissa wants to withdraw from the study because it is taking too much of her time. According to the APA guidelines
A. Melissa has to give the researchers a two-week notice before she can withdraw.
B. Melissa can withdraw at any time.
C. Melissa cannot withdraw once she has signed an informed consent form.
D. Melissa can withdraw only if she has a valid reason, such as a health issue or family emergency.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
APA: 3.1 Apply ethical standards to evaluate psychological science and practice
Bloom's Taxonomy: Apply
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 4

122. Which of the following statements about gender bias is TRUE?
A. Gender bias is a preconceived idea about the abilities of females and males that prevents them from reaching their full potential.
B. Gender bias is an issue in the United States.
C. Gender bias happens when conclusions are drawn about females from research conducted with only males.
D. All of these choices are correct.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
APA: 2.5 Incorporate sociocultural factors in scientific inquiry.
Bloom's Taxonomy: Analyze
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 4

123. Using an ethnic label such as Asian or Latino in a way that portrays an ethnic group as being more homogenous than it is, is known as
A. ethnic stereotyping.
B. ethnic gloss.
C. ethnic shine.
D. ethnic categorization.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
APA: 2.5 Incorporate sociocultural factors in scientific inquiry.
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remember
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 4

124. Compare and contrast G. Stanley Hall's "storm and stress" view of adolescence with the inventionist view.
Hall's concept was that adolescence was a turbulent time, charged with conflict and mood swings. He saw these changes in thought, feeling, and actions as happening quite frequently and as normative. He believed that adolescence has a biological base. The inventionist view saw adolescence as less of a biological event than a sociohistorical creation. Inventionists stress that sociohistorical circumstances, such as a decline in apprenticeship, increased mechanization of the Industrial Revolution, age-graded schools, urbanization, appearance of youth groups such as the YMCA and the Boy Scouts are affecting adolescents. The three key dimensions for the inventionist view of adolescence are schools, work, and economics.
APA: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology
APA: 4.1 Demonstrate effective writing for different purposes
Bloom's Taxonomy: Evaluation
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 1



