
Adolescence 17th Edition by John Santrock Test bank

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APA: 4.1 Demonstrate effective writing for different purposes
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remember
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2

131. List and describe at least four cultural variations of adolescence around the world.
Two-thirds of Asian Indian adolescents accept their parents' choice of a marital partner for them. Many female adolescents in the Philippines will sacrifice their own futures by migrating to the city in order to send money to their families. Street youth in Kenya may engage in delinquency or prostitution to survive. In the Middle East, many adolescents are not allowed to interact with the other sex, even in school. Youth in Russia are marrying earlier to legitimize sexual activity.
APA: 3.3 Adopt values that build community at local, national, and global levels
APA: 4.1 Demonstrate effective writing for different purposes
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remember
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2

132. Discuss major trends in health and well-being for adolescents around the world. Include both positive and negative changes.
Adolescent health and well-being have improved in some areas but not in others. On the positive side, fewer adolescents around the world die from infectious diseases and malnutrition than in the past. However, adolescents continue to engage in a number of health-compromising behaviors, such as illicit drug use and unprotected sex, at levels that place adolescents at risk for serious developmental problems. Extensive increases in the rates of HIV in adolescents have occurred in many sub-Saharan countries.
APA: 3.3 Adopt values that build community at local, national, and global levels
APA: 4.1 Demonstrate effective writing for different purposes
Bloom's Taxonomy: Understand
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 2

133. Discuss gender differences in the experiences of male and female adolescents, with respect to education, leisure activities, sexual experiences, family, and peers.
Except in a few areas, males have more educational opportunities than females. In some countries adolescents do not have access to secondary schools and higher education. Many schools do not provide students with the skills that they need to be successful in adult work.
Adolescent females have less freedom to pursue leisure activities than males, and gender differences in sexual expression are widespread. This is especially true for adolescent females living in India, Southeast Asia, Latin America, and Arab countries.
Family life for adolescents can be very different, depending on the culture and country. For example, adolescents who grow up in Arab countries adhere to a strict code of conduct and loyalty. Adolescents who grow up in the United States and other Western countries may experience divorce and stepfamilies; parenting is less authoritarian than in the past. Other family trends include greater family mobility, migration to cities, smaller families, fewer extended families, and increases in mothers' employment.
Some cultures give peers a stronger role in adolescence than others. While peers figure prominently in the lives of adolescents in Western countries, in Arab countries peers have a very restrictive role, especially for girls.
APA: 3.3 Adopt values that build community at local, national, and global levels
APA: 4.1 Demonstrate effective writing for different purposes
Bloom's Taxonomy: Understand
Difficulty: Difficult
Learning Goal: 2

134. List and briefly define the three determinants of human development.
The three determinants of human development are biological processes, cognitive processes, and socioemotional processes.
Biological processes involve physical changes in an individual's body. Cognitive changes involve changes in an individual's thinking and intelligence. Socioemotional processes involve changes in an individual's emotions, personality, relationships with others, and social contexts.
APA: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology
APA: 4.1 Demonstrate effective writing for different purposes
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remember
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 3

135. Explain what modern theorists mean when they say, "Development is a lifelong process."
Today developmentalists do not believe that change ends with adolescence. Adolescence is part of the life course and is not an isolated period of development. Although it has some unique characteristics, what takes place in adolescence is connected with development and experiences in both childhood and adulthood.
APA: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology
APA: 4.1 Demonstrate effective writing for different purposes



