
Adolescence 17th Edition by John Santrock Test bank

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Finally, the chronosystem consists of the patterning of environmental events and transitions over the life course, as well as sociohistorical circumstances. Each of these systems may overlap one another.
APA: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology
APA: 4.1 Demonstrate effective writing for different purposes
Bloom's Taxonomy: Analyze
Difficulty: Difficult
Learning Goal: 4

149. Compare and contrast laboratory observation and naturalistic observation.
Laboratory observation takes place in a controlled situation, with factors of the "real world" removed. A drawback to this approach is that it is almost impossible to conduct this research without the participants knowing that they are being observed. Because a laboratory setting is unnatural, people may behave differently than they would in another context. Naturalistic observation, on the other hand, means observing behavior in real-world settings, making no effort to manipulate or control the situation.
APA: 2.4 Interpret, design, and conduct basic psychological research
APA: 4.1 Demonstrate effective writing for different purposes
Bloom's Taxonomy: Analyze
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 4

150. Describe one advantage and one disadvantage of case-study research.
One advantage of case study research is that it allows the researcher to take an in-depth look at a single individual. A disadvantage is that one cannot generalize the findings from the study of one person to a larger population. The subject of the case study is unique, and other people, even those with the same condition, disorder, or factor of interest, may be very different. In addition, case studies involve judgment of unknown reliability.
APA: 2.4 Interpret, design, and conduct basic psychological research
APA: 4.1 Demonstrate effective writing for different purposes
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remember
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 4

151. Compare and contrast correlational and experimental research.
In correlational research, the goal is to describe the strength of the relationship between two or more events or characteristics. The more strongly the two events are related or associated, the more effectively we can predict one event from the other. Correlation does not equal causation. If we want to know if one event causes another, we must look to the experimental design for answers. An experiment is a carefully regulated procedure in which one or more factors believed to influence the behavior being studied are manipulated, while all other factors are held constant.
APA: 2.4 Interpret, design, and conduct basic psychological research
APA: 4.1 Demonstrate effective writing for different purposes
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remember
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 4

152. List and briefly describe the four APA guidelines that must be followed in the conduction of ethical research.
1. Informed Consent: participants must know what the research will involve and what risks might develop.
2. Confidentiality: Researchers are responsible for keeping all data confidential and, when possible, anonymous.
3. Debriefing: After the study has been completed, participants should be informed of its purpose and the methods that were used.
4. Deception: In all cases of deception the researcher must ensure that deception will not harm the participants.
APA: 3.1 Apply ethical standards to evaluate psychological science and practice
APA: 4.1 Demonstrate effective writing for different purposes
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remember
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 4

                                              Category                                                                                # of Questions
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation                                                                                                                                        123



