
Adolescence 17th Edition by John Santrock Test bank

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APA: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology
APA: 4.1 Demonstrate effective writing for different purposes
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remember
Difficulty: Difficult
Learning Goal: 3

142. List the four steps in the scientific method.
The four steps in the scientific method are:
1. Conceptualize a process or a problem to be solved.
2. Collect data.
3. Analyze data.
4. Draw conclusions.
APA: 2.2 Demonstrate psychology information literacy
APA: 4.1 Demonstrate effective writing for different purposes
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remember
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 4

143. List and describe Freud's three parts to the personality.
The three parts to the personality, according to Freud, are the id, ego, and superego. The id is totally unconscious and has no contact with reality. It contains instincts, which are an individual's reservoir of psychic energy. The ego deals with demands of reality and makes rational decisions. The ego uses defense mechanisms to help resolve conflicts between its reality demands, the id's wishes, and the superego's constraints. The superego is the moral branch of the personality that takes into account whether something is right or wrong.
APA: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology
APA: 4.1 Demonstrate effective writing for different purposes
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remember
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 4

144. Describe Piaget's formal operational stage of cognitive development. Be sure to address ages and major changes in thinking.
The formal operational stage, which appears between the ages of 11 and 15 and continues through adulthood, is Piaget's fourth and final stage. In this stage, individuals move beyond concrete experiences and think in abstract and more logical terms. Adolescents begin to think about possibilities for the future, solve problems more systematically, and develop and test hypotheses.
APA: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology
APA: 4.1 Demonstrate effective writing for different purposes
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remember
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 4

145. What are the main ideas behind Vygotsky's theory of cognitive development?
The main idea behind Lev Vygotsky's sociocultural theory of cognitive development is that social interaction and culture guide cognitive development. He also believed that individuals actively construct their knowledge. He stressed that cognitive development involves learning to use the inventions of a society, such as language, mathematical systems, and memory strategies.
APA: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology
APA: 4.1 Demonstrate effective writing for different purposes
Bloom's Taxonomy: Understand
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 4

146. What is the main idea behind Skinner's theory of operant conditioning?
B.F. Skinner believed that, through operant conditioning, the consequences of a behavior produce changes in the probability of that behavior's occurrence. In Skinner's view, rewards and punishments that follow a behavior shape development. The key aspect of development for Skinner is behavior, not thoughts and feelings. He believed that all behavior is learned and can be unlearned by making changes to the environment.
APA: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology
APA: 4.1 Demonstrate effective writing for different purposes
Bloom's Taxonomy: Understand
Difficulty: Moderate
Learning Goal: 4

147. List the three key factors in development, according to social cognitive theory.
Social cognitive theory holds that behavior, environment, and cognition are key factors in development.
APA: 1.1 Describe key concepts, principles, and overarching themes in psychology
APA: 4.1 Demonstrate effective writing for different purposes
Bloom's Taxonomy: Remember
Difficulty: Basic
Learning Goal: 4

148. List and describe the five environmental systems in Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory. Explain how the systems relate to each other.
Bronfenbrenner holds that development reflects the influence of five environmental systems: microsystem; mesosystem; exosystem; macrosystem; and chronosystem. The microsystem is the setting in which a person lives. For adolescents the microsystem is made up of family, peers, school, and neighborhood. The mesosystem involves relations between microsystems. The exosystem consists of links between a social setting in which a person does not have an active role and the individual's immediate context. For example, things that happen at a mother's or a father's workplace may have an indirect effect on the adolescent. The macrosystem involves the cultures in which adolescents live.



