
Cognitive Neuroscience: The Biology of the Mind 5th Edition Test bank

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a. right frontotemporal area  c. right temporoparietal area
b. left frontotemporal area  d. left temporoparietal area
ANS: D  DIF: Medium  REF: 1.2 The Brain Story
OBJ: 1.2  MSC: Applying
25. Wernicke is to ________ as Broca is to ________.
a. understanding speech; speaking
b. speaking; understanding speech
c. aggregate field theory; topographic organization
d. aggregate field theory; aggregate field theory
ANS: A  DIF: Easy  REF: 1.2 The Brain Story
OBJ: 1.2  MSC: Remembering
26. As a first approximation, individuals with damage to the left inferior frontal lobe tend to have more
difficulty with ________, whereas individuals with damage to the left posterior temporal lobe tend to
have more difficulty with ________.
a. fine motor control; the sense of touch
b. the sense of touch; fine motor control
c. the production of language; the perception of language
d. the perception of language; the production of language
ANS: C  DIF: Medium  REF: 1.2 The Brain Story
OBJ: 1.2  MSC: Understanding
27. One reason that early research on specific human cognitive capacities and the brain areas that are
responsible for them developed rather slowly before the 20th century is that
a. most early investigators were limited to postmortem studies to localize lesions.
b. investigators did not know the brain was separated into two hemispheres until the
20th century.
c. most early investigators focused on studying the brain–behavior relationship in animals
rather than in humans.
d. there was little interest in this field until the 20th century.
ANS: A  DIF: Medium  REF: 1.2 The Brain Story
OBJ: 1.3  MSC: Understanding
28. Korbinian Brodmann used ________ techniques to document 52 regions of the brain that differed in
a. phrenological; cytoarchitectonics  c. tissue staining; cytoarchitectonics
b. phrenological; chronometrics  d. tissue staining; chronometrics
ANS: C  DIF: Easy  REF: 1.2 The Brain Story
OBJ: 1.3  MSC: Remembering
29. Each of the following contributions led to the establishment of the neuron doctrine EXCEPT:
a. Golgi’s silver method.
b. Purkinje’s description of the first nerve cell.
c. Thorndike’s observation of adaptive response.
d. Brodmann’s cortical maps.
ANS: C  DIF: Medium  REF: 1.2 The Brain Story
OBJ: 1.3  MSC: Understanding
30. Researchers Fritsch and Hitzig found support for the idea that specific functions are localized to
discrete parts of the cortex in an experiment using electrical stimulation of a dog’s brain. More
specifically, they found __ systematic relationship between the portion of the cortex stimulated and
specific ________.
a. a; movements
b. a; vocalizations
c. no; movements
d. no; vocalizations
ANS: A  DIF: Medium  REF: 1.2 The Brain Story
OBJ: 1.3  MSC: Understanding
31. Cytoarchitectonic maps distinguish different cortical regions by
a. the structure of their surface convolutions.
b. their structure at the cellular level.
c. the complex functions they perform.
d. the basic functions they perform.
ANS: B  DIF: Easy  REF: 1.2 The Brain Story
OBJ: 1.3  MSC: Remembering
32. Yvette wants to figure out whether cells in two different layers of the occipital lobe have different
functions. What would she have done if she had been a scientist in the early 20th century?
a. look at a CAT scan
b. observe the tracts that connect each layer
c. study living patients with damage to those cells
d. look at the layers under a microscope
ANS: D  DIF: Medium  REF: 1.2 The Brain Story
OBJ: 1.3  MSC: Applying
33. The neuroanatomist who described 52 distinct cortical areas based on cell structure and arrangement,
and whose classification scheme is often used today, was
a. Purkinje.  c. Brodmann.
b. Helmholtz.  d. Hyde.
ANS: C  DIF: Easy  REF: 1.2 The Brain Story
OBJ: 1.3  MSC: Remembering
34. Which of the following terms refers to the idea of a continuous mass of tissue that shares a common
a. synapse  c. striatum
b. syncytium  d. claustrum
ANS: B  DIF: Easy  REF: 1.2 The Brain Story
OBJ: 1.3  MSC: Remembering
35. La reazione nera, or “the black reaction,” refers to
a. a cell stain developed by Golgi.
b. a perceptual phenomenon described by the Gestalt psychologists.
c. a ganglion preparation developed by Arvanitaki.
d. a type of reinforcement-based learning described by the behaviorists.
ANS: A  DIF: Easy  REF: 1.2 The Brain Story



