
Cognitive Neuroscience: The Biology of the Mind 5th Edition Test bank

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OBJ: 1.3  MSC: Remembering
36. Which of the following scientists contributed to modern neuroscience in the 19th century?
a. Paul Broca  c. Gustav Theodor Fritsch
b. Sir Charles Sherrington  d. Santiago Ramón y Cajal
ANS: A  DIF: Medium  REF: 1.2 The Brain Story
OBJ: 1.3  MSC: Remembering
37. Which of the following statements best describes the “neuron doctrine”?
a. The nervous system consists of a fused network of interconnected fibers.
b. The brain can be subdivided into regions that are distinct in cytoarchitectonics yet
functionally interactive.
c. The nervous system consists of physically distinct cells that are functionally interactive.
d. The brain can be subdivided into functionally autonomous modules.
ANS: C  DIF: Medium  REF: 1.2 The Brain Story
OBJ: 1.3  MSC: Understanding
38. The neuron doctrine is usually credited to ________, who used a staining technique pioneered by
a. Purkinje; Brodmann  c. Golgi; Ramón y Cajal
b. Brodmann; Purkinje  d. Ramón y Cajal; Golgi
ANS: D  DIF: Easy  REF: 1.2 The Brain Story
OBJ: 1.3  MSC: Remembering
39. The primary contribution of Golgi to the field of cognitive neuroscience was that he
a. developed a staining technique that permitted full visualization of individual neurons.
b. showed experimentally that the nervous system is composed of a net of physically
interconnected neuronal units.
c. discovered that cells in different regions of the cortex also differ in shape and size.
d. demonstrated that nerves can release chemicals that have an activating effect on nearby
muscle cells.
ANS: A  DIF: Medium  REF: 1.2 The Brain Story
OBJ: 1.3  MSC: Understanding
40. The term synapse, coined by Sherrington, refers to the junction between
a. a blood vessel and surrounding neurons.
b. two different cytoarchitectonic regions in the brain.
c. two adjacent neurons.
d. an axon and the cell body of a neuron.
ANS: C  DIF: Easy  REF: 1.2 The Brain Story
OBJ: 1.3  MSC: Remembering
41. Rationalism is the philosophical position that knowledge
a. originates from sensory experience.
b. must be experimentally tested.
c. must be deduced and justified through reason.
d. is globally distributed in the cortex.
ANS: C  DIF: Easy  REF: 1.3 The Psychological Story
OBJ: 1.4  MSC: Remembering
42. Empiricism is the philosophical position that all knowledge
a. must be deduced and justified through reason.
b. originates from sensory experience.
c. must be experimentally tested.
d. is globally distributed in the cortex.
ANS: B  DIF: Easy  REF: 1.3 The Psychological Story
OBJ: 1.4  MSC: Remembering
43. Which of the following is NOT true of empiricism?
a. It is primarily associated with the British philosophers Hobbes, Hume, and Mill.
b. It was a foundation for the associationist–behaviorist school of psychology.
c. It postulates a special role for reason and induction in human thought.
d. It emphasizes sensory experience in the development of knowledge.
ANS: C  DIF: Medium  REF: 1.3 The Psychological Story
OBJ: 1.4  MSC: Understanding
44. Ebbinghaus, who is considered the father of modern memory research, was among the first to
demonstrate that
a. different types of brain lesions can produce different types of memory deficits.
b. in terms of cognition, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
c. behavior is best understood in terms of stimulus–response relationships.
d. internal mental processes can be measured in rigorous and reproducible ways.
ANS: D  DIF: Difficult  REF: 1.3 The Psychological Story
OBJ: 1.4  MSC: Analyzing
45. All of the following are representative of the emergence of the field of cognitive science in the second
half of the 20th century EXCEPT
a. new developments in computer technology and artificial intelligence.
b. a philosophical shift in the field toward empiricism and associationism.
c. Chomsky’s work arguing that behaviorist theories cannot explain language acquisition.
d. Miller’s work showing that internal processes like short-term memory can be quantified.
ANS: B  DIF: Difficult  REF: 1.3 The Psychological Story
OBJ: 1.4  MSC: Evaluating
46. Thorndike’s law of effect
a. stated that much knowledge is innately specified due to natural selection.
b. was written to oppose Darwin’s theory of natural selection.
c. stated that a behavior that is followed by a reward is likely to occur again.
d. was written to oppose the behaviorists.
ANS: C  DIF: Easy  REF: 1.3 The Psychological Story



