
Cognitive Neuroscience: The Biology of the Mind 5th Edition Test bank

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OBJ: 1.5  MSC: Remembering
47. ____________ is the idea that all knowledge comes from sensory experiences, while ____________
holds that truth is intellectual.
a. Empiricism; rationalism
b. Empiricism; logic
c. Rationalism; empiricism
d. Rationalism; logic
ANS: A  DIF: Medium  REF: 1.3 The Psychological Story
OBJ: 1.5  MSC: Understanding
48. John Watson famously argued that newborn babies
a. are incapable of forming memories.
b. have an intelligence comparable to our nearest primate cousins.
c. can be raised to become anything.
d. will develop different intellectual abilities according to innate differences.
ANS: C  DIF: Difficult  REF: 1.3 The Psychological Story
OBJ: 1.5  MSC: Analyzing
49. According to associationist Herman Ebbinghaus, complex processes such as memory
a. can be understood by combining different pieces of information.
b. are best understood in terms of a stimulus’s emergent properties.
c. cannot be measured because they are not behaviors.
d. can be measured in an analytic fashion.
ANS: D  DIF: Difficult  REF: 1.3 The Psychological Story
OBJ: 1.4  MSC: Evaluating
50. According to Edward Thorndike, which of the following is NOT true about rewards?
a. They indicate which creatures have malleable structures in the brain.
b. They help to stamp things into the mind.
c. They lead to adaptive learning.
d. They are part of the law of effect.
ANS: A  DIF: Difficult  REF: 1.3 The Psychological Story
OBJ: 1.5  MSC: Evaluating
51. “Cells that fire together, wire together” was first proposed by Donald Hebb as an explanation for
a. epileptic seizures and their effects.
b. cytoarchitectural variation.
c. the way in which the brain codes new learning.
d. amnesia caused by brain damage.
ANS: C  DIF: Medium  REF: 1.3 The Psychological Story
OBJ: 1.5  MSC: Understanding
52. Noam Chomsky argued that the structure of human languages is ________, in contrast to
B. F. Skinner’s assertion that languages are ________.
a. innate; learned  c. universal; rational
b. learned; universal  d. rational; innate
ANS: A  DIF: Easy  REF: 1.3 The Psychological Story
OBJ: 1.6  MSC: Remembering
53. Which of the following people did NOT play a strong role in the theoretical shift in psychology in the
latter part of the 20th century?
a. Noam Chomsky  c. George A. Miller
b. Sir Charles Sherrington  d. Claude Shannon
ANS: B  DIF: Easy  REF: 1.3 The Psychological Story
OBJ: 1.6  MSC: Remembering
54. Which of the following was NOT contributory to the development of the electroencephalogram?
a. measuring continuous activity from the cerebral cortex of dogs and apes
b. studying patients who had skull defects
c. making photographic recordings of activity from a string galvanometer
d. publishing a paper describing recordings of brain currents
ANS: B  DIF: Difficult  REF: 1.4 The Instruments of Neuroscience
OBJ: 1.7  MSC: Analyzing
55. You decide that you want to measure blood flow of the brain. Which of the following methods would
you employ to best achieve your goal?
a. Listen to the blood flow across veins.
b. Look at red blood cells under a microscope.
c. Measure the amount of iron in the blood.
d. None of the answer options is correct.
ANS: D  DIF: Medium  REF: 1.4 The Instruments of Neuroscience
OBJ: 1.7  MSC: Applying
56. Computerized axial tomography is to MRI as ________ is to ________.
a. X-ray; radio frequencies  c. blood oxygenation; X-ray
b. structure; function  d. radiation; dipoles
ANS: A  DIF: Medium  REF: 1.4 The Instruments of Neuroscience
OBJ: 1.7  MSC: Analyzing
57. Which of the following methods relies on blood oxygenation?
a. magnetic resonance imaging
b. functional magnetic resonance imaging
c. computerized axial tomography
d. electroencephalogram
ANS: B  DIF: Medium  REF: 1.4 The Instruments of Neuroscience
OBJ: 1.7  MSC: Understanding
58. Suppose you are investigating neurological function, and one of the initial portions of your procedure
is to inject radioactive oxygen-15 into the patient’s bloodstream. Which of the following methods are
you most likely using to measure neurological activity?
a. electroencephalography (EEG)  c. positron emission tomography (PET)
b. computerized axial tomography (CAT)  d. magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
ANS: C  DIF: Difficult  REF: 1.4 The Instruments of Neuroscience
OBJ: 1.7  MSC: Applying
59. A group of investigators is conducting research on brain tumors, and they need to obtain



