
Strategic Management: A Competitive Advantage Approach Concepts and Cases 17th Edition Instructor ma

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* 1-45.  Identify the three activities that comprise strategy evaluation.
Answer:  The three fundamental strategy-evaluation activities are (1) review external and internal factors that are the bases for current strategies, (2) measure performance, and (3) take corrective actions. The first activity involves determining whether strength/weakness/opportunity/threat facts and figures have changed, which is actually facilitated by activity two, that involves comparing actual performance to expected results across regions and products. The third activity can include altering a firm’s vision/mission/objectives/strategies/policies/procedures/organizational chart, etc.
* 1-46.        List six characteristics of annual objectives.
Answer:  Like long-term objectives, annual objectives should be measurable, quantitative, challenging, realistic, consistent, and prioritized.
* 1-47.  Would strategic-management concepts and techniques benefit foreign businesses as much as domestic firms?  Justify your answer.
Answer:  The answer to this question is YES. But, management style and culture varies considerably across countries, as will be elaborated upon in Chapter 11. For example, northern European countries tend to be more participative in management style, whereas southern European countries tend to be more autocratic (as does Mexico). Many foreign businesses are using strategic-management concepts and techniques effectively. This textbook is very widely used globally, being the best seller in Japan, China, and Mexico.
* 1-48.  What do you believe are some potential pitfalls or risks in using a strategic-management approach to decision making?
Answer:  Thirteen risks are listed under the “Pitfalls in Strategic Planning” section of Chapter 1.  But, there is a risk of too little top management support for the process. There is a risk of too little involvement by line managers and employees. There is a risk that top managers will underestimate the importance of understanding and commitment.
* 1-49.  What does recent research reveal to be the most important component/activity in the strategic-management process?
Answer:  Recent research has examined the strategic-management process and concluded that perhaps the most important “activity” is the feedback loop, because strategy must be thought of as a “verb rather than a noun.” Rose and Cray contend that strategy is a “living, evolving conceptual entity,” and as such must be engulfed in flexibility. “Flexibility” should also be reflected in the structures put in place to monitor and modify strategic plans. Flexibility safeguards should increasingly be known and practiced throughout the firm, especially at lower levels of the organization. The stages of strategic management (formulation, implementation, and evaluation) are so fluid as to be virtually indistinguishable when one starts and the other ends. Thus, in the comprehensive model illustrated, the encompassing feedback loop is vitally important to enable firms to readily adapt to changing conditions. A significant change in any activity (box) in the model could necessitate change(s) in other activities. (Source:  Based on Rose, Wade and David Cray (2013), “The Role of Context in the Transformation of Planned Strategy into Implemented Strategy,” International Journal of Business Management and Economic Research, 4(3), 721-737.)
MyLab Management
1-50.  Strengths and weaknesses should be determined relative to competitors, or by elements of being, or relative to a firm’s own objectives. Explain.
Answer:  This is a true statement. An internal factor, such as ROI of 4%, can be stated much better as, ROI of 4% vs. Industry Avg. of 14%, or ROI of 4% vs. Company Objective of 2%, or ROE of 4% vs. negative 4% the prior year. Relative strength/weakness deficiency or superiority is vital information in formulating strategies, and is much better than a single number with no comparison over time or to industry average. An example of “elements of being” would be that Firm A owns 10,000 acres of oil lands.
1-51.  What are the three stages in strategic management? Which stage is more analytical? Which relies most on empowerment to be successful? Which relies most on statistics? Justify your answers.
Answer:  The three stages of strategic management are:  strategy formulation, strategy implementation, and strategy evaluation. Because it is the decision-making stage of strategic management, strategy formulation is the most analytical stage. The strategy implementation stage relies most on empowerment to be successful, and hinges upon managers’ ability to motivate employees, which is more an art than a science. Strategy evaluation relies the most on statistics, as it deals with reviewing external and internal factors, measuring performance, and analyzing variances between expected vs. actual outcomes.



