
Crafting & Executing Strategy: The Quest for Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Cases 23th edition

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       C)   ongoing turnover in the managerial and executive ranks (new managers often decide to shift to a different strategy).
       D)   pressures from shareholders to boost profit margins and pay higher dividends.
       E)   the importance of keeping the company's business model fresh and up-to-date.

39)  It is incorrect to say that a company's strategy evolves due to

       A)   a need to promote stability and retain the status quo.   
       B)   the need to abandon some strategy elements that are no longer working well.
       C)   a need to respond to changing customer requirements and expectations.
       D)   a need to react to fresh strategic maneuvers on the part of rival firms.
       E)   the proactive efforts of company managers to improve obsolete aspects of the strategy.

40)  In the course of crafting a strategy, managers typically do not

       A)   abandon certain strategy elements that have grown stale or become obsolete.
       B)   modify the current strategy when market and competitive conditions take an unexpected turn or some aspects of the company's strategy hit a stone wall.
       C)   revamp the current strategy in response to the fresh strategic maneuvers of rival firms.
       D)   take proactive actions to improve this or that piece of the strategy.
       E)   share the strategy publicly to obtain additional customer and shareholder support.

41)  Strategy is about competing differently than rivals; thus, strategy success is about

       A)   the sources of sustained advantages and superior profitability. 
       B)   those emergent, unplanned, reactive, and adaptive plans that are more appropriate than deliberate or intended ones that drive the realized strategy.
       C)   matching internal resources and capabilities to the industry environment.
       D)   keeping the firm current with the rapid pace of change in the industry.
       E)   replacing proactive and reactive measures by modified ongoing strategic elements to preserve company values.

42)  A deliberate strategy is best exemplified by a(n)

       A)   popular downtown theater that has been staging plays and showing films decides to begin booking rock and roll acts.
       B)   airline company that cuts frills to cope with increasing fuel prices.
       C)   IT firm that trims jobs during a recession.
       D)   smartphone manufacturer that divests its tablet production branch after not gaining market share.
       E)   online jewelry reseller that discontinues its line of turquoise rings due to lack of demand.

43)  An emergent strategy is best exemplified by a(n)

       A)   local hardware store that offers a 10 percent discount for seniors on the first Wednesday of every month.   
       B)   online book reseller that diversifies into custom book publishing.
       C)   oil-change franchisor that continues geographical expansion despite a recession.



