
Introduction to Information Systems 5th Canadian Edition by R. Kelly Rainer solution manual

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Most colleges and universities have design requirements on the structure of online courses and what should be included in the campus’s course management system where the class is online, or as a supplement to an in-class lecture-based class. So what I am including in this section for this and the rest of the chapter instructor guides is based on what I have learned from nearly fifteen years teaching this class, and almost ten years teaching it online.
I usually start the term with an online discussion question asking the students about their majors, what they think their technical knowledge is (this can sometimes be surprising because they usually overestimate what they really know), and if they any have fears about technology. For this exercise, I usually do not permit others in the class to comment on another student’s response. I use this mainly to gauge the knowledge and background of the class.
I always record a short video for each chapter for my online classes. I have found that if I record a complete lecture, most students do not watch it. So I do a ten- to fifteen-minute chapter overview video. 
If you are teaching an online class or are looking for a short video for a lecture, I can usually find topic-relevant videos on YouTube. Sometimes they are product demos or sales videos, but they still usually present relevant information or concepts.
Opening Case: The Digital Transformation of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC)

Explain why embracing a digital transformation strategy was necessary for CIBC.
While CIBC was ahead of the curve with its technological advancements, many new players (e.g., Apple and Google) were gaining customers from traditional banks. Younger generations are growing up with technology and are more apt to turn to the newer competitors. To remain competitive, CIBC had to embrace digital transformation.
Level: Easy
Section/Learning Objective: Section 1.1/Learning Objective 1
Bloom’s Category: Application
AACSB Category: Technology
Can you think of other digital initiatives CIBC might use to increase customer satisfaction and enhance its bottom line?
Responses will vary, but should introduce the use of another technology, tailoring to specific customer preferences. Ideally, regardless of the nature of each recommendation, it should be supported with a logical reason as to why it could increase satisfaction or the bottom line.
Level: Medium
Section/Learning Objective: Section 1.1/Learning Objective 1
Bloom’s Category: Analysis
AACSB Category: Technology
IT’s About Business 1.1 A Variety of Digital Transformations

For which organization is digital transformation the most critical? Why? Support your answer.
     Students may vary in their responses but will likely see that for both the freight forwarding industry and Canada’s Olympic and Paralympic teams, the timely and strategic adoption of digital technology can provide them with a significant strategic advantage that will help them achieve their objectives. For example, the data used must be entered accurately and in a timely manner in order to strategically set freight forwarding businesses apart through effective management systems, including data analysis and effective decision making. For Canada’s Olympic and Paralympic teams, the quality of data obtained and stored will directly allow them retrieve and  analyze how to gain a competitive advantage.
Level: Easy
Section/Learning Objective: Section 1.1/Learning Objective 1
Bloom’s Category: Application
AACSB Category: Technology
For which organization is digital transformation the least critical? Why? Support your answer.
Student answers will vary but should recognize that both Wendy’s and Professional Golf are using digital transformation to make their businesses better; however, it is actually consumer preferences that will drive the customer to engage in business with them. For example, with all of the digital transformation available, Wendy’s may reduce time and further enhance the ordering experience, but the core objective remains to offer quality food to the customer. For professional golf, while it is important to have the latest technology to monitor the game, visitors and viewers of the game first choose to do so because they are fans, the primary reason for the sport to succeed.
Level: Easy
Section/Learning Objective: Section 1.1/Learning Objective 1
Bloom’s Category: Application
AACSB Category: Technology



