
Introduction to Information Systems 5th Canadian Edition by R. Kelly Rainer solution manual

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Would your university be a good candidate for digital transformation? Why or why not? Support your answer.
      Answers will vary by student. Yes. Historically, universities are traditionally analog organizations, which makes them remarkable candidates for digital transformation.   
Level: Easy
Section/Learning Objective: Section 1.1/Learning Objective 1
Bloom’s Category: Application
AACSB Category: Technology
If you responded yes, then what types of digital initiatives should your university undertake to transform itself?
      Answers will vary by student. Types of digital initiatives include offering online learning opportunities for students to augment in-classroom learning, and converting analog processes to a digital format.
Level: Easy
Section/Learning Objective: Section 1.1/Learning Objective 1
Bloom’s Category: Application
AACSB Category: Technology
IT’s About Business 1.2 TRIEC Helps Canada Newcomers Find a Job

Provide two examples of how TRIEC uses information technology to support its clients.
The first example is that TRIEC makes use of a customer relationship management (CRM) application that helps TRIEC perform and manage the clients and volunteers of the program throughout the process. Mentoring coaches can check at any time the phase (e.g., registration, waiting for intervention, in partnership, or post-partnership) participants are in and what their next tasks should be. CRMs allow for customization of the offerings.
The second example is when the CRM application sends auto-generated emails with check-in surveys to participants and asks whether they need support from their coach. If the answer is yes, the coach is notified to check in and offer their help.
Level: Easy
Section/Learning Objective: Section 1.2/Learning Objective 2
Bloom’s Category: Application
AACSB Category: Technology
How might TRIEC further use information technology to help newcomers to Canada find a job that is in line with their professional background? Support your answer.
Answers may vary by student, but should include a technology component that is related to the job search process. For example, the government may have a software application that gathers information from prospective applicants. The government, via technology tools, knows about gaps in filling some positions, the skills needed, which part of the country jobs are located in, the skills gap the prospective applicant may have, etc. The government can play a role in matching the needs of the jobs and the newcomers.
Level: medium
Section/Learning Objective: Section 1.2/Learning Objective 2
Bloom’s Category: Application
AACSB Category: Technology
IT’s About Business 1.3 Diverse Uses for Drones

Compare and contrast the nontechnological and technological methods that wineries are using to combat global warming.
Drones are being used to sense areas of the vines that require physical inspection. They evaluate the colors of the vegetation, plant growth, moisture or disease, as well as indicate when the pickers should have the next load available to send to the winery. This is technologically driven; however, the need to follow up on and address the areas flagged by drones requires nontechnological methods—the experience of a winemaker. Technology, people, and processes are needed to make effective decisions in the wine industry. Together, time and effort are prioritized to address the areas of the vineyard that require the greatest attention.
Level: Easy
Section/Learning Objective: Section 1.4/Learning Objective 3
Bloom’s Category: Application
AACSB Category: Technology
What other uses for drones would you suggest to wineries?
Answers will vary by student; however, drones could be used to monitor harvesting and production, as well as any threats to the vineyard itself, such as wildlife.
Level: Easy
Section/Learning Objective: Section 1.4/Learning Objective 3
Bloom’s Category: Application
AACSB Category: Technology
Describe other applications for drones in law enforcement
Uses listed in the case that enable drones to examine a scene in a more thorough or timely manner than waiting for a group or an individual enforcement officer to respond include:
Search and rescue
Traffic collision reconstructions
Active shooter scenarios
Crime scene analysis
General surveillance
Traffic patterns in exceptional cases where cameras are not available



