
Introduction to Information Systems 5th Canadian Edition by R. Kelly Rainer solution manual

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Students will likely pick some of the uses above and cross-reference them with examples provided in the case for specific application (i.e., general surveillance helped to reduce the crime rate in Ensenada, Mexico).
Level: Easy
Section/Learning Objective: Section 1.4/Learning Objective 3
Bloom’s Category: Application
AACSB Category: Technology
Describe potential problems that drone use by law enforcement agencies could cause for citizens.
As highlighted by the citizens of Seattle, communities are uneasy with the ability to be surveilled through the use of drones. Concerns likely stem from privacy issues, and the lack of transparency on when drones are deemed appropriate to use for surveillance rather than general use by law enforcement agencies. Laws are being drafted and established to “control” drone usage in areas where privacy might be invaded.
Level: Easy
Section/Learning Objective: Section 1.4/Learning Objective 3
Bloom’s Category: Application
AACSB Category: Technology
Before You Go On… Review Questions

Section 1.1
1. Ask students how they would define an informed user. Rate yourself as an informed user.
You will receive all types of answers to this question. Some will think they have a higher level of technology knowledge than they actually do. 
Level: Easy
Section/Learning Objective: Section 1.1/Learning Objective 1
Bloom’s Category: Knowledge
AACSB Category: Technology
2. Explain the benefits of being an informed user of information systems.
Informed users tend to get more value from whatever technologies they use. You will enjoy many benefits from being an informed user of IT. First, you will benefit more from your organization’s IT applications because you will understand what is “behind” those applications (see Figure 1.1). That is, what you see on your computer screen is brought to you by your MIS department operating “behind” your screen. Second, you will be in a position to enhance the quality of your organization’s IT applications with your input. Third, even as a new graduate, you will quickly be in a position to recommend—and perhaps help select—the IT applications that your organization will use. Fourth, being an informed user will enable you to keep abreast of both new information technologies and rapid developments in existing technologies. Remaining “on top of things” will help you to anticipate the impacts that “new and improved” technologies will have on your organization and to make recommendations on the adoption and use of these technologies. Finally, you will understand how IT can be used to improve your organization’s performance and teamwork as well as your own productivity. As you develop and grow your career while being an informed user, you will have the ability to broaden your career path. In addition, as an informed user, there will come a day when you will be leading and managing teams where your team is looking for guidance to make complex and challenging technological decisions.
Level: Medium
Section/Learning Objective: Section 1.1/Learning Objective 1
Bloom’s Category: Comprehension
AACSB Category: Technology
3. Discuss the various career opportunities offered in the IT field.
Career opportunities in IS are strong and are projected to remain strong over the next 10 years.  Canadian Business listed its 100 “Best Jobs of 2019,” MSN listed its “Highest Paying In-Demand Jobs in Canada for 2019,” and Forbes listed its “20 Best Jobs” for 2018.
The media outlets with their job rankings are as follows:
Canadian Business (out of 100)
#26 Computer Systems Manager
#46 Software Engineer
#54 Database Analyst
#56 Computer Engineer
#65 Telecommunication Manager
#84 Information Systems Analyst
#94 Web Designers & Developers
MSN (out of 20)
#2 Software Engineer
#8 IT Project Manager
Forbes (out of 20)
#2 Software Engineer
#4 IT Solutions Architect
#11 IT Manager
#13 Data Engineer
#14 Frontend Engineer (User Experience Designer)
Not only do IS careers offer strong job growth, but the pay is excellent. Employment and Social Development Canada notes that a computerized management information systems manager in Canada has an hourly wage between $27.50 and $75.90, with a median of $49.45.

In addition, there are opportunities for future jobs that have not been created yet as our economy and society become more automated.



