
Abnormal Psychology An Integrative Approach 6th canadian Edition by David H. Barlow Test bank

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 c. It was the first recorded example of inducing fear of an object in a laboratory setting.
 d. It proved the law of effect.
97. What does Wolpe’s technique of systematic desensitization involve?
 a. reinforcing successive approximations to a final behaviour or set of behaviours
 b. gradually introducing the feared objects or situations so that fear can be extinguished
 c. gradually reinforcing fearless behaviour and punishing fear responses
 d. reinforcing an incompatible response to a feared situation
98. Jason has been having a lot of difficulty because of his irrational fears. His doctor advises Jason to participate in an anxiety-reduction procedure based on the work of Joseph Wolpe. What is this procedure?
 a. aversive conditioningb. person-centred therapy
 c. systematic desensitizationd. mesmerism
99. You are in a mall when a young child begins to scream and shout because his parents will not buy him the latest toy. What would B.F. Skinner most likely say about the child’s behaviour?
 a. It is an expression of repressed Oedipal anger toward his father and it will diminish naturally as he gets older.
 b. It is a classically conditioned response to being in the mall.
 c. It would be most effectively altered over the long term by simply ignoring it.
 d. It would be most effectively altered over the long term by scolding him and positively reinforcing more appropriate behaviour.
100. Why are operant conditioning techniques being applied in Canadian hospital settings?
 a. to increase patients’ insight into their fears and wishes
 b. to reduce psychiatric patients’ undesirable behaviour and increase their desirable behaviour
 c. to reduce patients’ fear of surgery
 d. to increase nursing staff’s empathy
101. Which approach brought the systematic development of a more scientific approach to psychological aspects of psychopathology?
 a. behaviouralb. psychoanalytic
 c. humanisticd. Gestalt
102. What is the name for learning in which a neutral stimulus is paired with a response until it elicits that response?
 a. operant conditioningb. classical conditioning
 c. systematic desensitizationd. extinction
103. What are two recent developments that have contributed to a multidimensional, integrative approach to psychopathology?
 a. the introduction of highly specialized drugs and more sophisticated training for mental health workers
 b. increasingly sophisticated medical technology and the realization that no one influence on behaviour ever occurs in isolation
 c. deinstitutionalization and the growth of humanistic therapies
 d. an increase in public mental health education and less reliance on drugs to control abnormal behaviour
104. Discuss the criteria for abnormality and the meanings of psychological dysfunction, personal distress, and atypical or not culturally expected behaviour.
ANSWER:  Student responses will vary.
105. Discuss the controversy surrounding the use of medical diagnoses in the case of psychological disorders. Explain the position taken by Thomas Szasz.
ANSWER:  Student responses will vary.
106. Describe the educational and professional differences between psychologists and psychiatrists. In Canada, who is permitted to hold him- or herself out to the public as a “psychologist” (e.g., in advertising)?
ANSWER:  Student responses will vary.
107. Discuss the evolution of biological treatments for psychological disorders across the 20th century. Explain the development and use of insulin shock therapy and electroconvulsive therapy in the first part of the century and describe the major drug therapies developed in the latter half.
ANSWER:  Student responses will vary.
108. Describe the psychosocial approach to mental disorders called moral therapy. Mention key figures who contributed to or promoted this approach. Discuss whether this approach was effective in improving conditions for the mentally ill. Explain the reasons for the decline of moral therapy.



