
Abnormal Psychology An Integrative Approach 6th canadian Edition by David H. Barlow Test bank

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 c. deniald. repression
75. A four-year-old girl sucks her thumb, a teenager binges on food, and an adult woman bites her fingernails. According to the Freudian theory of psychosexual development, what underlies all these behaviours?
 a. repression of aggressive impulses
 b. a fixation at the oral stage of psychosexual development
 c. a trauma during the toilet-training phase
 d. denial of unacceptable feelings, thoughts, or wishes
76. The Oedipus complex is the psychosexual conflict occurring during the phallic stage of development in boys. How is this complex characterized?
 a. by love for the mother and feelings of anger and envy toward the father
 b. by a repressed need for oral gratification
 c. by a love for the father and feelings of repulsion toward the mother
 d. by a repressed need for genital self-stimulation
77. The Electra complex is the psychosexual conflict that occurs at the phallic stage of development in girls. How is this complex characterized?
 a. by latency lust
 b. by feelings of anger and envy toward the mother
 c. by castration anxiety
 d. by a desire to replace the mother and possess the father
78. As compared to her father, Sigmund Freud, Anna Freud (1895–1982) focused her work on the way our behaviour is influenced. Which of the following did she write?
 a. Id and the Mechanisms of Defense
 b. Our Neurosis and the Mechanisms of Defense
 c. Our Self-actualization and the Mechanisms of Defense
 d. Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense
79. According to Anna Freud’s ego psychology, when does abnormal behaviour develop?
 a. when the ego does not develop normally due to psychosexual conflicts at the oral stage of development
 b. when the ego is deficient in regulating such functions as delaying and controlling impulses
 c. when there are social and psychological barriers to achieving self-actualization
 d. when maladaptive defense mechanisms are not overridden by adaptive defense mechanisms
80. In contrast to Freud, how did Jung and Adler view human nature?
 a. They believed that cognitive and personality factors shape human potential.
 b. They believed that humans are born with a strong drive toward self-actualization.
 c. They believed that the ego is much stronger than Freud postulated.
 d. They believed that humans are shaped through learning from their environment.
81. According to Freud, what are all nonpsychotic psychological disorders called?
 a. anxietyb. neuroses
 c. thanatosd. intrapsychic conflict
82. What was Erikson’s greatest contribution to psychoanalytical theorizing?
 a. his idea that development occurs across the life span
 b. his idea that sexual arousal and interest occur during the latency stage
 c. his idea that societal factors influence our behaviour
 d. his idea that intrapsychic conflicts are resolved in early childhood
83. In classical psychoanalysis, why is the process whereby the therapist interprets a patient’s dreams often difficult?
 a. because the patient may resist uncovering repressed material and deny the interpretation
 b. because patients often forget their dreams
 c. because the patient may relate to the therapist much as he or she did toward a parent figure
 d. because the therapist may wish not to upset the patient with a negative interpretation
84. In psychoanalytic psychotherapy, which of the following is most important for patients?
 a. to strive to reach their full potential
 b. to remain emotionally detached from the analyst
 c. to find an effective medication
 d. to describe the content of their dreams to the analyst
85. In classical psychoanalysis, what does the concept of “transference” refer to?
 a. the process whereby the patient falsely attributes his or her own unacceptable feelings or thoughts to the therapist



