
Abnormal Psychology An Integrative Approach 6th canadian Edition by David H. Barlow Test bank

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 b. the process whereby the therapist projects some of his or her own personal feelings onto the patient
 c. the process whereby the patient relates to the therapist as he or she would toward a parent figure
 d. the process whereby the patient directs potentially maladaptive impulses to socially acceptable behaviour
86. How does psychodynamic psychotherapy differ from classical (Freudian) psychoanalysis?
 a. It emphasizes the goal of personality reconstruction.
 b. It focuses more on social and interpersonal issues.
 c. It considers past experiences important.
 d. It requires a long-term commitment on the part of the person being analyzed.
87. How do most mental health professionals view psychoanalysis as a treatment technique?
 a. It has been proven effective.
 b. It has been subject to careful measurement criteria.
 c. It is basically unscientific.
 d. It is noted for consistency in analytic interpretation.
88. Who is the concept of a “hierarchy of needs” most strongly associated with?
 a. Carl Rogersb. Anna Freud
 c. Abraham Maslowd. Carl Jung
89. According to Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, individuals will be unable to achieve high levels of self-actualization and self-esteem unless which of the following has taken place?
 a. unless they have been raised with unconditional positive regard from primary caregivers
 b. unless they have first met more basic human requirements such as food, sex, and friendship
 c. unless they have developed sufficient ego strength
 d. unless they have gratified their basic needs and satisfied their drive for physical pleasure through the five psychosexual stages of development
90. Which of the following is associated with the humanistic theories of Carl Rogers?
 a. hierarchy of needsb. dream analysis
 c. moral hygiened. person-centred therapy
91. What do humanistic therapists regard as the most positive influence in facilitating human growth?
 a. therapist interpretations of the patient’s verbalizations
 b. self-esteem
 c. ego development
 d. relationships (including the therapeutic relationship)
92. John is showing complete and almost unqualified acceptance of most of his client’s feelings and actions. What is John demonstrating?
 a. therapeutic allianceb. unconditional positive regard
 c. empathyd. conditional positive regard
93. How does Gestalt therapy differ from psychoanalytic therapy?
 a. In Gestalt therapy, there is no delving into past experiences.
 b. In Gestalt therapy, the critical element is the therapist’s unconditional positive regard for the patient.
 c. In Gestalt therapy, there is little emphasis on the here and now.
 d. In Gestalt therapy, there is little or no training required for therapists.
94. Sarah underwent chemotherapy treatment for cancer. She now reports experiencing mild nausea when she drives by the hospital and severe nausea when she enters the hospital where her chemotherapy was administered. What phenomenon best explains these reactions to stimuli she associates with her chemotherapy?
 a. reconditioningb. introspection
 c. operant conditioningd. stimulus generalization
95. A dog had been conditioned to salivate to the sound of a bell because of its association with the presentation of food. Later, when exposed to the bell without food for a long period, the dog eventually stopped salivating to the sound of the bell. What is this phenomenon known as?
 a. extinctionb. response fading
 c. conditioned forgettingd. stimulus fading
96. Why is Watson and Rayner’s experiment in which they induced a fear of white, furry objects in Little Albert famous?
 a. It was the first real-life demonstration of operant conditioning.
 b. It was the first recorded lawsuit made against the psychology profession for unethical behaviour.



