
Information Technology Project Management, Revised 7th edition by Kathy Schwalbe Test bank

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OBJ:   LO: 1-2          NAT:  BUSPROG: Analytic            TOP:              What is a Project?
KEY:  Bloom's: Comprehension
     6.   A project manager’s primary role is to provide the funding for a project.
A project sponsor usually provides the direction and funding for a project.
PTS:   1                    DIF:    Difficulty: Easy                    REF:              p.7
OBJ:   LO: 1-2          NAT:  BUSPROG: Analytic            TOP:              What is a Project?
KEY:  Bloom's: Knowledge
     7.   One of the main reasons why project management is challenging is because of the factor of uncertainty.
A project involves uncertainty. Every project is unique and thus it is sometimes difficult to define its objectives clearly, estimate how long it will take to complete, or determine how much it will cost. This uncertainty is one of the main reasons project management is so challenging.
PTS:   1                    DIF:    Difficulty: Moderate             REF:              p.7
OBJ:   LO: 1-2          NAT:  BUSPROG: Analytic            TOP:              What is a Project?
KEY:  Bloom's: Comprehension
     8.   Questions about how a team will track schedule performance is related to a project’s scope.
Project scope deals with questions such as, “What work will be done as part of the project?”, “What unique product, service, or result does the customer or sponsor expect from the project?”, or “How will the scope be verified?”
PTS:   1                    DIF:    Difficulty: Moderate             REF:              p.7
OBJ:   LO: 1-2          NAT:  BUSPROG: Technology           TOP:              What is a Project?
KEY:  Bloom's: Comprehension
     9.   In order to be realistic, a project manager should always set discrete goals instead of a range of objectives.
Projects involve uncertainty and limited resources. Thus they rarely finish according to their original scope, time, and cost goals. Instead of discrete target goals, it is often more realistic to set a range of goals.
PTS:   1                    DIF:    Difficulty: Moderate             REF:              p.8
OBJ:   LO: 1-2          NAT:  BUSPROG: Analytic            TOP:              What is a Project?
KEY:  Bloom's: Comprehension
   10.   Managing the triple constraint primarily involves making trade-offs between resources and quality.
Managing the triple constraint involves making trade-offs between scope, time, and cost goals for a project. Experienced project managers know that one must decide which aspect of the triple constraint is most important.



