
Introduction to Clinical Psychology 4th Edition by John Hunsley test bank

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  1. purely clinical approaches to testing hypotheses were typically superior to purely statistical approaches.
  2. purely clinical approaches to testing hypotheses were typically inferior to purely statistical approaches.
  3. a clinical approach to hypothesis generation and a statistical approach to hypothesis testing yields the most accurate results.
  4. a statistical approach to hypothesis generation and a clinical approach to hypothesis testing yields the most accurate results.
Answer: C            Page: 18
  1. What is considered the “gold standard” in the assessment of intellectual abilities?
  1. The MMPI
  2. The DSM-III
  3. The Army Beta test
  4. The Wechsler scales
Answer: D            Page: 17
  1. The Rorschach inkblot test is an example of
  1. an intelligence test.
  2. a retroactive test.
  3. a projective test.
  4. a hypnosis test.
Answer: C            Page: 17
  1. The development of projective tests proceeded
  1. similarly to that of ability testing, with close attention to basic principles of test construction.
  2. differently from that of ability testing, with minimal attention to basic principles of test construction.
  3. similarly to that of ability testing, with minimal attention to basic principles of test construction.
  4. differently from that of ability testing, with close attention to basic principles of test construction.
Answer: B            Page: 18
  1. Compared to the MMPI, projective tests
  1. rely mostly on clinical judgement.
  2. rely mostly on statistical norms.
  3. are a much more recent assessment tool.
  4. are generally more accurate in predicting antisocial behaviour.
Answer: A            Page: 18
  1. Projective tests rely on _______ while the MMPI relies on __________
  1. clinical judgement; clinical judgement and statistical analysis.
  2. clinical judgement and statistical analysis; clinical judgement.
  3. the judgement of psychiatrists; the judgement of psychologists.
  4. the judgement of psychologists; the judgement of psychiatrists.
Answer: A            Page: 18
  1. The main goal of developing the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory was to provide an easily administered test to screen for
  1. psychological disturbances.
  2. deviant personality.
  3. avoidant personality.
  4. personality changes.
Answer: A            Page: 18
  1. Walter Mischel’s publication in 1968 proposed that it was problematic to rely too heavily on
  1. personality traits to understand human behaviour.
  2. behavioural observations to understand human behaviour.
  3. psychodynamic theories to understand human behaviour.
  4. psychological testing to understand human behaviour.
Answer: A            Page: 18
  1. Which psychologist’s critique of personality traits for understanding human behaviour impacted the popularity of behavioural approaches to clinical assessment?
  1. Skinner
  2. Murray
  3. Mischel
  4. Freud
Answer: C            Page: 18-19
  1. Most psychologists agree that assessment data should be obtained
  1. from multiple methods and informants.
  2. mainly from the client.
  3. mainly from expert assessment.
  4. mainly from psychological testing.
Answer: A            Page: 20
  1. Service evaluation refers to the evaluation of



