
Business Driven Information Systems 8th Edition by Paige Baltzan test bank

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       D) Management information systems are found in only a few businesses.

16)  What is the confirmation or validation of an event or object?
       A) fact  
       B) data
       C) data scientist
       D) business intelligence

17)  The age we live in has infinite quantities of facts that are widely available to anyone who can use a computer. What is this age called?
       A) data age 
       B) information age
       C) business intelligence age
       D) data scientist age

18)  Which of the following companies used technology to revamp the business process of selling books?
       A) Netflix   
       B) Dell
       C) Zappos
       D) Amazon

19)  Which of the following companies used technology to revamp the business process of renting videos?
       A) Netflix   
       B) Dell
       C) Zappos
       D) Amazon

20)  Which of the following companies used technology to revamp the business process of selling shoes?
       A) Netflix   
       B) Dell
       C) Zappos
       D) Amazon

21)  What is data?
       A) raw facts that describe the characteristics of an event or object
       B) data converted into a meaningful and useful context
       C) information collected from multiple sources that analyzes patterns, trends, and relationships for strategic decision making
       D) skills, experience, and expertise, coupled with information and intelligence, which create a person’s intellectual resources

22)  What is information?
       A) raw facts that describe the characteristics of an event or object
       B) data converted into a meaningful and useful context
       C) information collected from multiple sources that analyzes patterns, trends, and relationships for strategic decision making
       D) skills, experience, and expertise, coupled with information and intelligence, which create a person’s intellectual resources

23)  What is business intelligence?
       A) raw facts that describe the characteristics of an event or object
       B) data converted into a meaningful and useful context
       C) information collected from multiple sources that analyzes patterns, trends, and relationships for strategic decision making
       D) skills, experience, and expertise, coupled with information and intelligence, which create a person’s intellectual resources



