
Business Data Communications and Networking 14th edition by Jerry FitzGerald Test bank

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Reference:       Data Communications Networks
L.O.:                Be familiar with the major components of and types of networks
  1. About half of all routers run Cisco IOS (Inter-operating system) that was specifically created for routers.
Answer:         False
Difficulty:       Easy
Reference:       Data Communications Networks
L.O.:                Be familiar with the major components of and types of networks
  1. The OSI model is currently the most widely implemented network model used to develop and build networks of any size, including the Internet itself.
Answer:         False
Difficulty:       Medium
Reference:       Network Models
L.O.:                Understand the role of network layers
  1. The data link layer has a global responsibility.
Answer:         False
Difficulty:       Medium
Reference:       Network Models
L.O.:                Understand the role of network layers
  1. The transport layer has a local responsibility.
Answer:         False
Difficulty:       Medium
Reference:       Network Models
L.O.:                Understand the role of network layers
  1. The network layer performs the same functions in both the OSI and Internet models and is responsible for routing messages from the source computer to the destination computer.
Answer:         True
Difficulty:       Easy
Reference:       Network Models
L.O.:                Understand the role of network layers
  1. In the OSI model, the application layer provides a set of utilities for applications and is the end user’s access to the network.
Answer:         True
Difficulty:       Medium
Reference:       Network Models
L.O.:                Understand the role of network layers

  1. The application layer is the seventh layer of the Internet model and specifies the type of connection and the electrical signals that pass through it.
Answer:         False
Difficulty:       Easy
Reference:       Network Models
L.O.:                Understand the role of network layers
  1. At the transport layer in the Internet model, TCP is responsible for breaking large files received from the application layer into smaller messages and opening a connection to a server for transferring them.
Answer:         True
Difficulty:      Hard
Reference:       Network Models
L.O.:                Understand the role of network layers
  1. Ethernet is an example of a network layer protocol.
Answer:         False
Difficulty:       Easy
