
Business Data Communications and Networking 14th edition by Jerry FitzGerald Test bank

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d.   a network spanning a large geographical area (up to 1000s of miles).
e.   a network spanning exactly 200 miles with common carrier circuits.
Answer:         a
Difficulty:      Medium
Reference:       Data Communications Networks
L.O.:                Be familiar with the major components of and types of networks
  1. Which of the following is not a property of a WAN:
a.   connects backbone networks and MANS.
b.   spans hundreds or thousands of miles
c.   provides data transmission speeds from 56Kbps to 10Gbps.
d.   connects a group of computers in a small geographic area such as room, floor, building or campus.
e.   uses leased lines from IXCs like ATT, MCI, and Sprint.
Answer:         d
Difficulty:      Medium
Reference:       Data Communications Networks
L.O.:                Be familiar with the major components of and types of networks
  1. A(n) _________ is a LAN that uses the same technologies as the Internet but is open to only those inside the organization.
a.   WAN
b.   BN
c.   extranet
d.   intranet
e.   MAN
Answer:         d
Difficulty:      Easy
Reference:       Data Communications Networks
L.O.:                Be familiar with the major components of and types of networks
  1. A(n) _________ is a LAN that uses the same technologies as the Internet but is provided to invited users outside the organization who access it over the Internet.
a.   WAN
b.   BN
c.   extranet
d.   intranet
e.   MAN
Answer:         c
Difficulty:      Easy
Reference:       Data Communications Networks
L.O.:                Be familiar with the major components of and types of networks
  1. A/n _____ is a group of computers located in the same general area.
a.   local area network
b.   backbone network
c.   wide area network
d.   intranet
e.   extranet
Answer:         a
Difficulty:      Easy
Reference:       Data Communications Networks
L.O.:                Be familiar with the major components of and types of networks
  1. A/n _____ is a large, central network connecting several LANs, BNs, MANs, and WANs.
a.   local area network
b.   backbone network
c.   wide area network
d.   intranet
e.   extranet
Answer:         b
Difficulty:      Easy
Reference:       Data Communications Networks
L.O.:                Be familiar with the major components of and types of networks
  1. A/n _____ connect BNs and MANs.
a.   local area network
b.   backbone network
c.   wide area network
d.   intranet
e.   extranet
Answer:         c
Difficulty:      Easy
Reference:       Data Communications Networks
L.O.:                Be familiar with the major components of and types of networks
