
Business Data Communications and Networking 14th edition by Jerry FitzGerald Test bank

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  1. Which of the following is a function of the transport layer?
a.   linking the physical layer to the network layer
b.   formatting messages by indicating where they start and end
c.   deciding which route the message should take
d.   breaking long messages into several smaller messages
e.   specifying the type of connection and the electrical signals, radio waves, or light pulses that pass through it
Answer:         d
Difficulty:      Easy
Reference:       Networking Models
L.O.:                Understand the role of network layers
  1. Which of the following is a term used to group together the physical and data link layers?
a.   Internetwork layers
b.   Hardware layers
c.   Software layers
d.   Middleware layers
e.   Application layers
Answer:         b
Difficulty:      Medium
Reference:       Networking Models
L.O.:                Understand the role of network layers
  1. Which of the following would be a standard or protocol used at the Data Link layer of the Internet or OSI model?
a.   IP
b.   TCP
c.   Ethernet
d.   HTTP
e.   FTP
Answer:         c
Difficulty:      Medium
Reference:       Networking Models
L.O.:                Understand the role of network layers

  1. In which layer of the Internet model would the HTTP protocol be used?
a.   physical
b.   application
c.   transport
d.   network
e.   data link
Answer:         b
Difficulty:      Medium
Reference:       Networking Models
L.O.:                Understand the role of network layers
  1. A(n) _____________ is a set of rules that determine what a layer would do and provides a clearly defined set of messages that software at the layer needs to understand.
a.   agreement
b.   specification
c.   protocol
d.   regulation
e.   policy
Answer:           c
Difficulty:      Medium
Reference:       Networking Models
L.O.:                Understand the role of network layers
  1. The network layer of the Internet model uses the _____________ protocol to route messages though the network.
a.   TCP
b.   HTTP
c.   FTP
d.   SMTP
e.   IP
Answer:         e
Difficulty:      Medium
Reference:       Networking Models
L.O.:                Understand the role of network layers

  1. The primary reason for networking standards is to:
a.   simplify cost accounting for networks
b.   ensure that hardware and software produced by different vendors can work together
c.   make it more difficult to develop hardware and software that link different networks
d.   ensure that all network components of a particular network can be provided by only one vendor
e.   lock customers into buying network components from one vendor
