
Business Data Communications and Networking 14th edition by Jerry FitzGerald Test bank

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Answer:         b
Difficulty:      Medium
Reference:      Network Standards
L.O.:                Be familiar with the role of network standards
  1. Which of the following is not true about de jure standards?
a.   They are always developed before de facto standards.
b.   One example exists for network layer software (IP).
c.   They can be developed by an official industry body.
d.   They can take several years to develop.
e.   They can be developed by a government body.
Answer:         a
Difficulty:      Medium
Reference:      Network Standards
L.O.:                Be familiar with the role of network standards
  1. Which of the following is not true about de facto standards?
a.   They never evolve into de jure standards.
b.   They are those standards that emerge in the marketplace.
c.   They tend not to be developed by an official industry or government body.
d.   They are generally supported by more than one vendor but de facto standards have no official standing.
e.   They tend to emerge based upon the needs/response of the marketplace.
Answer:         a
Difficulty:      Medium
Reference:      Network Standards
L.O.:                Be familiar with the role of network standards

  1. The three stages of the de jure standardization process are ______________________.
a.   specification, identification of choices and acceptance.
b.   planning, implementing and acceptance.
c.   brainstorming, identification and implementing.
d.   specification, formalization, and acceptance.
e.   none of the above.
Answer:         a
Difficulty:      Easy
Reference:      Network Standards
L.O.:                Be familiar with the role of network standards
  1. Which of the following is true about ISO:
a.   It makes technical recommendations about data communications interfaces
b.   Its name stands for International Organization for Standardization
c.   It is based in Geneva, Switzerland
d.   It is one of the most important standards-making bodies
e.   All of the above
Answer:         e
Difficulty:      Medium
Reference:      Network Standards
L.O.:                Be familiar with the role of network standards
  1. Which of the following is not true about ITU-T:
a.   It is the technical standards-setting organization of the United Nations International Telecommunications Union
b.   It is the International Telecommunications Union – Telecommunications Group
c.   Its membership is limited to U.S. telephone companies
d.   It is based in Geneva, Switzerland
e.   Its membership is comprised of representatives from over 200 member countries
Answer:         c
Difficulty:      Medium
Reference:      Network Standards
L.O.:                Be familiar with the role of network standards

  1. The American National Standards Institute:
a.   is the coordinating organization for the United States’ national system of standards
b.   is a professional society in the U.S. whose standards committees focus on local area network standards
