
Health Psychology: Biopsychosocial Interactions Edition 2nd Canadian Edition by Edward P. Sarafino T

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79.  Suppose that a recent study found an increase in heart and lung disease among people aged 50‑60.  Further study revealed that, compared to people 20 years younger, these individuals tended to smoke more during their young adulthood, because they were not aware of the health effects of smoking at that time.  This difference between individuals raised at different times is an example of
a)  the placebo effect
b) a cross‑sectional approach
c)  a cohort effect
d)  a prospective study
Answer: c
Section Reference: Quasi-Experimental Studies
80.  Dr. Martinez is conducting an in-depth study of a patient exposed to farm pesticides. Dr. Martinez is probably using a
a)  cross‑sectional design.
b)  experimental design.
c)  single-subject design.
d)  twin study.
Answer: c
Section Reference: Quasi-Experimental Studies
81.  A reasonable assumption that can be made about monozygotic twins is
a) they are likely to have many genetic differences.
b) differences between them are environmentally determined.
c) they will be reared in identical environments.
d) they are always same sexed.
Answer: b
Section Reference: Genetics Research
82.  In deciding which research methods to use, a researcher might keep in mind that
a) it is never appropriate to use experimental and nonexperimental methods in the same study.
b) nonexperimental methods can still support causal explanations.
c)  nonexperimental methods are rarely helpful in science.
d)  experimental and nonexperimental methods can be effectively combined in the same study.
Answer: d
Section Reference: Which Research Method is Best?

Short Answer Questions
83.  Provide a brief summary of Antonovsky's illness-wellness continuum.  How does it differ from traditional definitions of health?
84. Review the two primary perspectives of the mind-body problem.  How is the debate relevant to a discussion of health and illness?
85.  Your job is to work with pediatric cancer patients.  What developmental factors must you keep in mind as you proceed with your work?
Essay Questions
86.  Ten-year-old Juan has been diagnosed with diabetes.  Describe his likely experience living with the disease from a biopsychosocial perspective.
87.  Compare and contrast the disciplines of psychosomatic medicine, behavioral medicine, and health psychology.
88.  You are interested in testing the effectiveness of a newly developed treatment for back pain.  Outline your approach to your research project.




