
Leadership: Theory and Practice 8th edition by Peter G. Northouse Test bank

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D. legitimate
Ans: B
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Leadership and Power
Difficulty Level: Easy
AACSB Standard: Application of knowledge
24. Scholarly research and popular work on the nature of leadership exploded in this decade.
A. 1950s
B. 1960s
C. 1970s
D. 1980s
Ans: D
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Leadership Defined
Difficulty Level: Easy
AACSB Standard: Contexts of organizations in a global society
25. The emerging approach known as servant leadership ______.
A. focuses on followers needs
B. focuses on traits
C. focuses on adapting to solve problems
D. focuses on spirituality
Ans: A
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Leadership Defined
Difficulty Level: Easy
AACSB Standard: Application of knowledge
26. Which way of classifying leadership involves capabilities to make leadership possible?
A. group process
B. personality
C. skills
D. power
Ans: C
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Leadership Defined
Difficulty Level: Easy
AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking
27. The process definition of leadership implies ______.
A. leadership is linear
B. leadership is one-way, top-down
C. leadership is leader centered
D. leadership is reciprocal between leaders and followers
Ans: D
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Definition and Components
Difficulty Level: Easy
AACSB Standard: Application of knowledge
28. Although there are clear differences between management and leadership, ______.
A. there is little research to support one or the other
B. leadership is more valued than management
C. the two constructs overlap
D. management is more valued than leadership
Ans: C
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Leadership and Management
Difficulty Level: Easy
AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking
29. ______ argued that leaders and managers are distinct; they are different types of people.
A. Jago
B. Zaleznik
C. Kotter
D. Bass
Ans: B
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Answer Location: Leadership and Management
Difficulty Level: Easy
AACSB Standard: Application of knowledge
30. Leaders’ power to provide pay raises and promotions is ______.
A. reward
B. coercive
C. legitimate
D. referent
Ans: A
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Leadership and Power
Difficulty Level: Easy
AACSB Standard: Application of knowledge
31. Defining leadership as a process means ______.
A. it is a transactional event between leader and followers
B. it is restricted to certain people
C. it is an inborn trait or characteristic
D. it may only take place in formal groups
Ans: A
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Leadership Defined
Difficulty Level: Easy
AACSB Standard: Application of knowledge
32. Which of the following is not one of the classifications for a definition of leadership?
A. the focus of group process
B. an artistic process
C. a behavior
D. a personality trait
Ans: B
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Leadership Defined
Difficulty Level: Easy
AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking
33. The primary functions of management are ______.
A. planning, organizing, staffing, and controlling
B. forming, storming, norming, and reforming
C. building, breaking down, rebuilding, and maintaining
D. ruling, listening, adapting, and adjusting
Ans: A
Cognitive Domain: Analysis
Answer Location: Leadership and Management
Difficulty Level: Easy
AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking
34. Some positive communication behaviors that account for successful leader emergence are ______.
A. sense of humor, facial expressiveness
B. being dominant, speaking frequently
C. differentiating oneself from the group, challenging group norms
D. being informed, initiating new ideas
Ans: D
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Assigned Versus Emergent Leadership
Difficulty Level: Moderate
AACSB Standard: Individual and group behavior
35. Leadership definitions have evolved during the 20th century in the following way: ______.
A. the trait approach remains the most popular approach over time
B. a leader’s power remains a key requirement for goal accomplishment
C. focus on leadership effectiveness became prominent in the 1970s
D. leadership research peaked in the 1980s
Ans: D
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Answer Location: Leadership Defined



