
Social Psychology 8th Edition by Elliot Aronson test bank

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187.        Compare the self-esteem approach and the social cognition approach in terms of the motivations assumed to underlie human behavior.
Answer:     The self-esteem approach explains human social cognition and human social behavior with reference to the basic motive to preserve or enhance one’s self-esteem, even at the expense of accuracy. The social cognition approach views humans as motivated to perceive themselves and the world accurately, sometimes at the expense of their self-esteem.
          Difficulty:  2
          Page(s) in Text: 13-14
          Topic: Where Construals Come From: Basic Human Motives
          Skill: CONCEPTUAL
188.        Jason’s doctor recently told him that he needs to start eating healthier and lose some weight. If Jason is more motivated by the need for accuracy (social cognition approach), what would he likely think and do after this visit?
Answer:     Jason might start by assessing his lifestyle. He may stop eating candy and junk food, and begin eating a healthier diet. He might seek information about how to eat well. Jason also may limit his food intake in an effort to lose a few pounds. Additionally, he may begin an exercise program. Jason would seek information, and try to make the most accurate decision about his lifestyle.
          Difficulty:  1
          Page(s) in Text: 14
          Topic:     Where Construals Come From: Basic Human Motives
          Skill: APPLICATION
189.        Based on your text’s account of research on self-fulfilling prophecies, explain why some children in a class might perform better than others even if the children are all of similar ability levels.
Answer:     A self-fulfilling prophecy is a phenomenon in which expectations of another’s behavior actually leads a person to elicit that behavior. In this case, if a teacher expected some children to do better than others, she may unintentionally pay more attention to them, or do other things that elicit better academic performance from them. This is like the Rosenthal and Jacobson study discussed in the text in which “Bloomers” were treated differently by the teacher, and ended up actually doing better than the other children in the class.
          Difficulty:  1
          Page(s) in Text: 15
          Topic: Where Construals Come From: Basic Human Motives
          Skill: FACTUAL
190.        What is the goal of social psychologists who are concerned about social problems?
Answer:     Their goal is to apply social-psychological theories, concepts, and research findings to understand and solve destructive real-world problems such as the AIDS epidemic, energy waste, and the relation between television violence and human aggression.
          Difficulty:  2
          Page(s) in Text: 16-17
          Topic:     Social Psychology and Social Problems
          Skill: CONCEPTUAL



