
Fundamentals of Human Resource Management 5th Edition Gary Dessler test bank

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Diff: 3

AACSB:  Reflective thinking

Chapter:  1

LO:  1.2: Describe with examples what trends are influencing human resource management.

Skill:  Application


79) What changes in the business environment have led to HR managers playing more strategic roles in organizations? As a result of these changes, what competencies are now required of modern HR managers?

Answer:  Changes in the environment of HR management are requiring HR to play a more strategic role in organizations. These changes include growing workforce diversity, rapid technological change, globalization, and changes in the nature of work, such as the movement toward a service society and a growing emphasis on education and human capital. Human resource managers still need skills in areas such as employee selection and training. But now they also require broader business knowledge and competencies. For example, to assist top management in formulating strategies, the human resource manager needs to understand strategic planning, marketing, production, and finance.

Diff: 3

AACSB:  Reflective thinking

Chapter:  1

LO:  1.2: Describe with examples what trends are influencing human resource management. 1.3: Discuss at least five consequences such trends have for human resource management today.

Skill:  Synthesis

80) What is globalization? How has globalization affected employers and HR management?

Answer:  Globalization refers to companies extending their sales, ownership, and/or manufacturing to new markets abroad. Globalization compels employers to be more efficient. More globalization means more competition, and more competition means more pressure to be "world class"—to lower costs, to make employees more productive, and to do things better and less expensively. The search for greater efficiencies prompts many employers to offshore (export jobs to lower-cost locations abroad), which requires HR managers to oversee recruiting and selection practices both domestically and abroad.

Diff: 3

AACSB:  Reflective thinking

Chapter:  1

LO:  1.2: Describe with examples what trends are influencing human resource management. 1.3: Discuss at least five consequences such trends have for human resource management today.

Skill:  Synthesis



81) Globalization, competition, and technology have led to which of the following trends in human resource management?

A) HR managers assist top management with developing and implementing strategies.

B) HR managers primarily focus on providing services like recruiting and hiring.

C) Metrics used to measure employee potential have been replaced by standardized testing.

D) College recruiting has increased as a result of the growing number of retiring baby boomers.

Answer:  A

Explanation:  Globalization, competition, workforce trends, and economic upheaval have led HR managers to become more involved with top management in developing and implementing the firm's strategies or long-term plans. HR managers are focusing more on the big picture and less on services such as recruiting, selection, and training.

Diff: 3

Chapter:  1

LO:  1.3: Discuss at least five consequences such trends have for human resource management today.

Skill:  Concept


82) Tara Robles earned an MBA degree and is now an HR manager for a Fortune 500 company. In which of the following tasks does Tara's advanced degree benefit her the most?

A) training interns to perform basic computer tasks

B) recruiting college graduates for entry-level positions

C) distributing pension payments to retiring employees

D) assisting upper management in formulating business strategies

Answer:  D

Explanation:  Human resource managers in today's workforce still need skills in areas such as employee selection, training, and compensation, as HR managers in the past did. However, modern HR managers also require broader business knowledge and proficiencies, which can be gained through an MBA program.

Diff: 3

AACSB:  Application of knowledge

Chapter:  1

LO:  1.3: Discuss at least five consequences such trends have for human resource management today.

Skill:  Application


83) Which of the following is most likely a TRUE statement?

A) A firm's vision is only effective when HR managers play a strategic role in its development.

B) Human capital is linked to increased productivity, profitability, and customer satisfaction.

C) Traditional activities such as recruiting are more cost-effective when outsourced by HR.

D) Business strategies developed by HR managers are quantifiable.



