
Human Physiology: An Integrated Approach 8th Edition by Dee Silverthorn test bank

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Independent variables: smoking and sex.
Dependent variable: pulse rate.
Conclusion: There was no difference in pulse rate in any of the groups (70.4 bpm in nonsmokers vs. 70.3 bpm in
smokers); hypothesis not supported.
F. Hypothesis: Subjects who exercise regularly have a lower resting pulse rate.
Independent variable: exercise.
Dependent variable: pulse rate.
Conclusion: Regular exercise had no effect on resting pulse rate (68.9 bpm in nonexercisers vs. 71.8 bpm in
exercisers); hypothesis not supported.
Discussion may cover issues such as the effect of small sample size, use of adults of limited age range, lack of
control over treatments (Were the subjects honest about age, eating breakfast, consuming caffeine,
smoking, and exercising? Were the quantitative data of height and weight determined in the lab using
the same equipment and same data collector?), the value of statistical analysis, and so on. It is likely that
students will be surprised by some of the results and could make erroneous conclusions. For example,
pulse rate may vary with age, but without including children and senior citizens in the sample
population, this trend would be missed.
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
65) The law of mass balance states
A) if one is to survive they must have a certain amount of mass.
B) that all substances in the body have equal mass.
C) if a substance is to remain constant any gain must be offset by an equal loss.
D) that homeostasis can be maintained when the load of a substance is continuously lost.
E) that all matter is neither created or destroyed.
Answer: C
66) Mass balance involves determining the total amount of a substance in the body. We can determine mass flow of
this substance by which formula?
A) (concentration of a substance) / volume flow
B) volume of flow / (amount of substance / min)
C) intake + production - excretion - metabolism.
D) (concentration of a substance) × (volume/min)
E) (amount of substance / min) × (concentration of the substance)
Answer: D
67) ________ are kept within normal range by physiological control mechanisms which are used if the variable
strays too far from its ________.
A) Setpoints, regulated variable
B) Dependent variables, lowest value
C) Independent variables, steady state
D) Steady state values, integrating center
E) Regulated variables, setpoint
Answer: E
68) Vasodilation of blood vessels supplying muscles in response to increased carbon dioxide during exercise is an
example of
A) neural control.
B) hormonal control.
C) long- distance control.
D) reflex control.
E) local control.
Answer: E
69) Which are used to keep our systems at or near their setpoints?
A) response loops
B) open control loops
C) positive feedback loops
D) feedforward control loop
E) negative feedback loops
Answer: E



