
Human Physiology: An Integrated Approach 8th Edition by Dee Silverthorn test bank

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not tested in children, and children also have a different hormonal environment than adults (again, sex
hormones are a good example, because their levels are low until just before the onset of puberty). There
are also racial differences in effectiveness of therapies, and while it is a contentious issue as to whether
these represent genetic or socioeconomic influences, they should be considered.
52) High cholesterol levels have been shown to be a contribute to heart disease and death for many decades. In the
1970s, scientists used this information to develop a hypothesis that giving a medicine to reduce blood
cholesterol levels could reduce the chances of developing cardiovascular disease or dying from cardiovascular
disease. They tested a group of people living in Framingham, Massachusetts. This study became known as the
Framingham Study, and it is very well known because it did not support the hypothesis. Does this mean that
high cholesterol is not a risk factor for heart disease? What does this demonstrate about the scientific process,
especially as it relates to human studies? You can find a copy of the study online and read it, if necessary.
Answer: This demonstrates the difficulty in doing human research because, even though elevated cholesterol
levels are a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, reducing cholesterol levels without addressing the
reason those levels were high in the first place may not have the expected effect on reducing heart
disease. Human testing on hypotheses is important because humans don't always respond to treatments
like other animals do, they may actually respond quite differently and each person may respond
differently from the rest. It is why we need to test each hypothesis in circumstances as similar to the
actual real group that would be treated.
Use the table and graph below to answer the following questions.
Table 1.1
Figure 1.1
53) List all of the errors in Figure 1.1.
Answer: 1. The units of concentration are labeled as M when they should be mg.
2. The x- axis is in decreasing order of concentration.
3. The graph needs a legend.
54) Why is a line graph to used to show the results of this study?
Answer: Line graphs are commonly used when the independent variable (x- axis) is a continuous phenomenon. In
this study the concentration of epinephrine is a continuous function. The line allows for interpolation
(i.e., estimating values between the measured values).
55) Use Table 1.1 to graph the data appropriately. What can you CONCLUDE based on the new figure?
Answer: Graphs should address the errors in Figure 1.1.
This small sample suggests that an increase in epinephrine concentration increases the average heart rate of
Sprague-Dawley rats.
Use the table and graph below to answer the following questions.
Table 1.2
Figure 1.2
56) Summarize the data shown in Figure 1.2.
Answer: The systolic pressure of both genders increases with age. Under age 40, the systolic pressure of males is
higher than that of females. After age 40, the systolic pressure of females is higher than that of males. The
greatest rate of increase is from ages 50 to 70 in both genders. Blood pressure declines after age 70.
57) Referring to Table 1.2, what general trend in systolic blood pressures is seen as both males and females increase
in age?
Answer: The systolic pressure of both genders increases until age 70 but declines after age 70.
58) Referring to Figure 1.2, at approximately what ages do males have higher systolic blood pressures than females?
At what age does this trend reverse?
Answer: From age 10 to 40, male pressures are higher; after age 40, female pressures are higher.
MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
59) The human body is best described as always being in a state of equilibrium such that all body compartments are
A) True B) False
Answer: B
ESSAY. Write your answer in the space provided or on a separate sheet of paper.
Following is a table of data collected from one section of an 8  A.M. physiology lab. There were 20 students present, 10 males
and 10 females. Information collected included students' height, weight, age, sex, and resting pulse rate. In addition, the
students were surveyed to see if they smoked cigarettes, considered themselves "regular exercisers," and if they had
consumed caffeine or eaten the morning of the lab. A "y" or "n" (yes or no) was recorded to indicate their answers.
Each student did "jumping jacks" for 5 minutes and recorded the time required to return to their resting heart rate, which is listed on
the table as "recovery time." Finally, each student's reaction time (in milliseconds) was measured by catching an object dropped by a la



