
Organizational Behavior 18th Edition by Stephen P. Robbins test bank

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A) controlling
B) planning
C) formulating
D) leading
E) organizing
Answer:  A
Explanation:  To ensure things are going as they should, management must monitor the organization's performance and compare it with previously set goals. If there are any significant deviations, it is management's job to get the organization back on track. Tasks which involve monitoring, comparing, and potential correcting are part of the controlling function.
LO:  1.2: Define organizational behavior (OB).
AACSB:  Analytical thinking
Difficulty:  Hard
Quest. Category:  Application
7) Which of the following functions do managers undertake as part of planning functions?
A) defining an organization's goals
B) implementing strategies for achieving goals
C) executing plans to integrate activities
D) accomplishing goals of a project
E) employing strategies to coordinate tasks
Answer:  A
Explanation:  The planning function encompasses defining an organization's goals, establishing an overall strategy for achieving those goals, and developing a comprehensive set of plans to integrate and coordinate activities.
LO:  1.2: Define organizational behavior (OB).
Difficulty:  Easy
Quest. Category:  Concept
8) According to Henry Mintzberg, a factory supervisor giving a group of high school students a tour of the plant may be termed as a ________.
A) leader
B) figurehead
C) resource allocator
D) negotiator
E) disturbance handler
Answer:  B
Explanation:  According to Henry Mintzberg, a figurehead is a symbolic head who is required to perform a number of routine duties of a legal or social nature.
LO:  1.2: Define organizational behavior (OB).
Difficulty:  Easy
Quest. Category:  Concept
9) Ellen Ortiz works as a sales manager at a telecom firm. The company has recently launched a new product in the market. Her work in the next few weeks involves sharing knowledge about the product with her team members. She will also need to inspire them to reach their sales targets and clarify any doubts about the new product. Which of the following roles is Ortiz playing?
A) leader
B) liaison
C) disseminator
D) spokesperson
E) negotiator
Answer:  A
Explanation:  A leadership role comprises hiring, training, motivating, and disciplining employees.
LO:  1.2: Define organizational behavior (OB).
AACSB:  Analytical thinking
Difficulty:  Moderate
Quest. Category:  Application
10) Regina George works as a campaign manager in a not-for-profit organization in Hampshire. For the upcoming campaign against genetic engineering, she is networking with managers who are working on the issue of food safety. Through her network of contacts, she strives to gain information about the stakeholders in the food industry and other lobby groups. Which of the following roles is George most likely to be playing according to Mintzberg's classification of managerial roles?
A) figurehead
B) leader
C) liaison
D) entrepreneur
E) resource allocator
Answer:  C
Explanation:  The liaison role involves maintaining a network of contacts who provide favors and information.
LO:  1.2: Define organizational behavior (OB).
AACSB:  Analytical thinking
Difficulty:  Moderate
Quest. Category:  Application

11) Annette Simpson works for a fashion house in Paris and is preparing for the company's upcoming line of winter clothing. She is currently researching online to know what is in vogue this season. In addition, she is also networking with contacts from the press and fashion magazine editors to understand the changing tastes of consumers. Which of the following roles is Simpson playing according to Mintzberg's classification of managerial roles?
A) figurehead
B) leader
C) symbol head
D) monitor
E) spokesperson
Answer:  D
Explanation:  According to Mintzberg's classification of managerial roles, the monitor role comprises collecting information from external organizations and institutions, typically by scanning the news media, talking with other people to learn about changes in the public's tastes and what competitors may be planning, and so forth.
LO:  1.2: Define organizational behavior (OB).
AACSB:  Analytical thinking
Difficulty:  Moderate
Quest. Category:  Application
12) According to Mintzberg's classification of managerial roles, the role of a(n) ________ is to transmit information received from outsiders or from other employees to members of the organization.
A) entrepreneur
B) resource allocator



