
Information Technology Project Management 9th Edition by Kathy Schwalbe Test bank

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NATIONAL STANDARDS:  United States - BUSPROG: - Comprehension
TOPICS:  The Project Management Profession
KEYWORDS:  Bloom's: Knowledge
DATE CREATED:  4/27/2018 2:53 PM
DATE MODIFIED:  4/27/2018 2:53 PM
87. Describe the triple constraint. What are the three components and what is the relationship between them?
ANSWER:  Every project is constrained in different ways, often by its scope, time, and cost goals. These limitations are sometimes referred to in project management as the triple constraint. To create a successful project, a project manager must consider scope, time, and cost and balance these three often-competing goals.

Scope: This goal involves questions such as, “What work will be done as part of the project? What unique product, service, or result does the customer or sponsor expect from the project? How will the scope be verified?”

Time: This goal encompasses questions such as, “How long should it take to complete the project? What is the project’s schedule? How will the team track actual schedule performance? Who can approve changes to the schedule?”

Cost: This goal deals with questions such as, “What should it cost to complete the project? What is the project’s budget? How will costs be tracked? Who can authorize changes to the budget?”

Managing the triple constraint involves making trade-offs between scope, time, and cost goals for a project. Experienced project managers know that they must decide which aspect of the triple constraint is most important. If time is most important, one must change the initial scope and/or cost goals to meet the schedule. If scope goals are most important, one may need to adjust time and/or cost goals.
DIFFICULTY:  Difficulty: Moderate
NATIONAL STANDARDS:  United States - BUSPROG: Analytic
TOPICS:  What is a Project?
KEYWORDS:  Bloom's: Comprehension
DATE CREATED:  4/27/2018 2:53 PM
DATE MODIFIED:  5/8/2018 10:39 AM
88. List and describe each of the ten project management knowledge areas.
ANSWER:  Project management knowledge areas describe the key competencies that project managers must develop. These are as follows:

(1) Project scope management involves defining and managing all the work required to complete the project successfully.

(2) Project schedule management (formerly called project time management) includes estimating how long it will take to complete the work, developing an acceptable project schedule, and ensuring timely completion of the project.

(3) Project cost management consists of preparing and managing the budget for the project.

(4) Project quality management ensures that the project will satisfy the stated or implied needs for which it was undertaken.

(5) Project resource management is concerned with making effective use of the people and physical resources involved with the project.

(6) Project communications management involves generating, collecting, disseminating, and storing project information.

(7) Project risk management includes identifying, analyzing, and responding to risks related to the project.

(8) Project procurement management involves acquiring or procuring goods and services for a project from outside the performing organization.

(9) Project stakeholder management includes identifying and analyzing stakeholder needs while managing and controlling their engagement throughout the life of the project.

(10) Project integration management is an overarching function that affects and is affected by all of the other knowledge areas.
DIFFICULTY:  Difficulty: Moderate
REFERENCES:  p.11-12
NATIONAL STANDARDS:  United States - BUSPROG: Analytic
TOPICS:  What is Project Management?
KEYWORDS:  Bloom's: Comprehension
DATE CREATED:  4/27/2018 2:53 PM
DATE MODIFIED:  5/8/2018 10:39 AM
89. Identify several of the qualities of a good project manager.
ANSWER:  Project managers often take on the role of both leader and manager. Good project managers know that people make or break projects, so they must set a good example to lead their team to success. They are aware of the greater needs of their stakeholders and organizations, so they are visionary in guiding their current projects and in suggesting future ones. Companies that excel in project, program, and portfolio management grow project leaders, emphasizing development of business and leadership skills. Therefore, the best project, program, and portfolio managers have leadership and management characteristics; they are visionary yet focused on the bottom line. Above all else, good project managers focus on achieving positive results.



