
Information Technology for Managers 2nd edition by George Reynolds Test bank

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RATIONALE: Employees waste time at work visiting Web sites unrelated to their work. This is an example of inappropriate use of information technology resources that reduces worker productivity.
64. Which of the following scenarios best describes the compromise of confidential data regarding organizational plans, products, or services?
a. Fire destroys all the physical assets in an organization.
b. Employees use corporate email to disseminate sexually explicit material.
c. Senior executive loses laptop containing critical data.
d. Employees waste time at work visiting Web sites unrelated to their work.
RATIONALE: A senior executive has lost his laptop that contains critical data. This is an example that describes compromise of confidential data regarding organizational plans, products, or services.
65. Increased costs and wasted effort are consequences of:
a. failed information technology projects.
b. missed information technology projects.
c. complicated information technology projects.
d. overlooked information technology projects.
RATIONALE: Managers cannot afford to ignore information technology (IT) projects, because failed IT projects lead to increased costs, missed opportunities, and wasted time and effort. Far too much money and time has been wasted on failed, ineffective, or wasted information systems in both the private industry and public service arenas.
1. Companies capture significant benefits by just implementing information technology into their operations.
ANS: False             
RATIONALE: Companies that merely insert information technology (IT) into their operations without making changes that exploit the new IT capabilities will not capture significant benefits.
2. A decision support system (DSS) employs theoretical models to help users gain insights into a real time situation.
ANS: False
RATIONALE: A decision support system (DSS) employs analytic models to help users gain insights into a problem situation, examine alternative solutions, and recommend an appropriate course of action.
3. Webinar is the most basic form of Web conference.
ANS: False
RATIONALE: Screen sharing is the most basic form of Web conference—each participant sees whatever is on the presenter’s screen, be it a spreadsheet, legal document, artwork, blueprint, or a medical scan image.
4. Product life cycle management supports only the research and development phase of a product.
ANS: False
RATIONALE: Product life cycle management (PLM) systems support the processes associated with the various phases of the life cycle of a product, including sales and marketing, research and development, concept development, product design, prototyping and testing, manufacturing process design, production and assembly, delivery and product installation, service and support, and product retirement and replacement.
5. Interorganizational information systems help to reduce the effort and cost of processing a company’s transaction.
ANS: True
RATIONALE: Interorganizational information systems speed up the flow of material, payments, and information, while allowing companies to reduce the effort and costs of processing such transactions.
6. When a new information technology is introduced, managers are highly encouraged to adopt the technology first and then try to figure out its implications.
ANS: False
RATIONALE: All too often when new information technology is introduced, managers adopt the technology first and then try to figure out what to do with it and how to cope with its implications. Such an approach is strongly discouraged as it can cause an increase in costs, lost worker productivity, wasted effort, and missed business opportunities.
7. The goal of commit phase in the Change Management Continuum Model is to make people aware of the change.
ANS: False
RATIONALE: The goal of commit phase in the Change Management Continuum Model is to make people accept the change since it has become a part of their everyday life.
8. Introducing an enterprise information technology system represents a major organizational change.
ANS: True
RATIONALE: Introducing an enterprise information system requires large amounts of resources and significant changes in procedures, roles and responsibilities, reward systems, and decision making. In other words, it represents a major organizational change.
9. Laggards are risk takers who attempts to try new products and ideas.



