
Information Technology for Managers 2nd edition by George Reynolds Test bank

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a. End user
b. Client
c. Super user
d. Tester
RATIONALE: In the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology, the end users want to know that they will be provided with sufficient time to be trained in a quality manner and that there will be others (help desk or “super users”) available to help when necessary. The necessary organizational and technical infrastructures must be in place to support end users in learning and using the new technology.
50. The _____ explains how a new idea or product gains acceptance and spreads through a specific population or subset of an organization.
a. Change Management Continuum Model
b. Diffusion of Innovation Theory
c. Change Management Consistent Model
d. Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology
RATIONALE: The Diffusion of Innovation Theory was developed by E.M. Rogers to explain how a new idea or product gains acceptance and diffuses (or spreads) through a specific population or subset of an organization. A key point of this theory is that adoption of any innovation does not happen all at once for all members of the targeted population; rather, it is a drawn-out process, with some people quicker to adopt the innovation than others.
51. Which of the following adopter categories is very conservative and highly skeptical of change?
a. Laggard
b. Early majority
c. Early adopter
d. Innovator
RATIONALE: Laggards are very conservative and highly skeptical of change. Their peers need to demonstrate on the benefits of change to convince them.
52. Which of the following adopter categories is considered as risk takers?
a. Laggard
b. Early majority
c. Late majority
d. Innovator
RATIONALE: Innovators are always the first to try new products and ideas. They are considered as risk takers.
53. Which of the following best describes late majority?
a. They are the first to try new products and ideas.
b. They listen to and follow the opinion of leaders.
c. They are skeptical to changes and new ideas.
d. They are the leaders whom others listen to and understand the need for change.
RATIONALE: Late majorities are people who are skeptical to changes and new ideas. They need to be provided with details of successful implementation of changes.
54. John, a product manager, decides to adopt to a new strategy to improve the quality of products served by his company. He also has the additional responsibility of convincing his team members to use the new strategy. In the context of innovation adopters, John is an example of a(n):
a. laggard.
b. early adopter.
c. early majority.
d. late majority.
RATIONALE: John is an example of an early adopter. Early adopters are opinion leaders whom others listen to and follow; they are aware of the need for change.
55. What is the strategy required by successful enterprise information technology system?
a. Top-down imposition of standards and procedures
b. Bottom-up imposition of standards and procedures
c. Refactoring the standards and procedures
d. Reengineering the standards and procedures
RATIONALE: A successful enterprise information technology (IT) system requires the top-down imposition of standards and procedures that spell out exactly how transactions must be conducted and how the supporting information must be captured, stored, and shared. As a result, senior management sometimes encourages adoption of enterprise IT by threatening penalties for nonconformance.
56. Data assets must be secured from unwanted intrusion, loss, and alteration. This is to:
a. ensure the smooth adoption of the systems information technology.
b. ensure the smooth transfer of information technology.
c. ensure the smooth mitigation of risks in information technology.
d. ensure the smooth induction of information technology.
RATIONALE: Information technology (IT) resources are used to capture, store, process, update, and exchange information that controls valuable organizational assets. As a result, special measures are needed to ensure that the information and its control mechanisms can stand up to intense scrutiny. Data assets must be secure from unwanted intrusion, loss, and alteration, and personal data must be secured to protect individual privacy rights. If information technology assets including data, software, hardware, and networks are rendered inoperable due to a disaster of any type, business continuity plans must be in place to ensure the ongoing operation of critical business functions that depend on those assets. Failure to ensure that IT risks are mitigated can lead to serious problems, such as business disruptions, data breaches exposing employee and/or customer personal data, and legal penalties.



