
Nester’s Microbiology: A Human Perspective 9th Edition test bank

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A) Normal microbiota prevent disease by competing with pathogenic microbes.
B) Normal microbiota help to degrade foods that the body otherwise could not digest.
C) Normal microbiota synthesize vitamins that the body cannot produce.
D) Normal microbiota produce insulin for controlling blood sugar levels.
E) Normal microbiota likely affects the tendency to lose or gain weight.
76) You are concerned that Sandy may have a C. difficile infection. When normal microbiota is disturbed, organisms such as C. difficile may thrive. What caused the disturbance in Sandy's normal microbiota in this case?
A) The bacteria causing Sandy's urinary tract infection.
B) The antibiotics Sandy was taking to treat her UTI.
C) Sandy's presence in the hospital.
D) Sandy's watery diarrhea.
E) Dehydration caused by Sandy's watery diarrhea.
77) Digestive tract microbiome plays no role in maintaining a person's health. 
78) You are examining a pea plant that is showing signs of disease—brown leaves and no pea pods. You isolate an agent from the plant that only contains RNA and protein. This is a(n) ________.
A) viroid
B) virus
C) bacterium
D) fungus
E) protozoan



