
Nester’s Microbiology: A Human Perspective 9th Edition test bank

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Nester’s Microbiology, 9e (Anderson)
Chapter 1   Humans and the Microbial World
1) The scientist usually considered the first to see microorganisms, which he called "animalcules," was ________.
A) Redi
B) van Leeuwenhoek
C) Pasteur
D) Tyndall
2) The word "animalcule" was first used by ________.
A) Pasteur
B) Redi
C) van Leeuwenhoek
D) Tyndall
E) Hooke
3) The idea of spontaneous generation postulated that
A) organisms could evolve into the next generation of organisms.
B) organisms could spontaneously turn into other types of organisms.
C) living organisms could spontaneously arise from non-living material.
D) living organisms could spontaneously arise from other living organisms.
E) living organisms must contain at least ten cells.
4) Which of these scientists were involved in investigating the idea of spontaneous generation?
A) Redi and van Leeuwenhoek
B) Redi and Pasteur
C) van Leeuwenhoek and Pasteur
D) Pasteur and Escherich
E) Escherich and Redi
5) The work of Tyndall and Cohn
A) supported the idea of spontaneous generation rather than the idea of biogenesis.
B) explained why some spontaneous generation investigators got different results from those of Pasteur.
C) showed that all microbes caused disease if they enter the human body.
D) allowed scientists to see microorganisms using a simple microscope.
E) showed that boiling fails to kill vegetative bacteria.
6) The structures present in the hay infusions used in experiments on spontaneous generation that made them difficult to sterilize are
A) chloroplasts.
B) endospores.
C) organelles.
D) toxins.
E) nuclei.
7) The contradictory results obtained by different scientists apparently doing the same experiments in investigating spontaneous generation
A) show that experiments should only be done once.
B) show the importance of exactly duplicating experimental conditions.
C) led to further experiments that ultimately proved spontaneous generation.
D) could not be explained by anyone involved in the work.
E) led to the development of swan-necked flasks.
8) If Pasteur had done his experiments investigating spontaneous generation in a horse stable,
A) the results would probably have supported the idea of spontaneous generation.
B) the results would probably not have supported the idea of spontaneous generation.
C) the results would probably been the same as those obtained in a laboratory.
D) the results would probably have supported the idea of spontaneous biogenesis.
E) it would probably have taken several years to obtain any results.
9) Cellulose is a major component of plants and is only directly digested by
A) carnivores.
B) termites.
C) herbivores.
D) microorganisms.
E) birds.
10) Plants are dependent on microorganisms for
A) providing oxygen in a usable form.
B) providing water.
C) changing atmospheric nitrogen to a usable form.
D) providing simple carbohydrates.
E) providing complex proteins.
11) Microorganisms are involved in
A) causing disease.
B) curing/treating disease.
C) preparing food.
D) cleaning up pollutants.
E) All of the answer choices are correct.
12) Bacteria have been used to help produce or modify all of the following food products EXCEPT
A) cheeses.
B) beer and wine.
C) pickled products.
D) bread.
E) peanuts.

13) Microorganisms are involved in all of the following EXCEPT
A) production of medicinal products.
B) converting oxygen to a form useful to plants.
C) food production.
D) pollution cleanup.
E) converting nitrogen to a form useful to plants.
14) Bioremediation refers to
A) rehabilitating wayward bacteria.
B) using bacteria to clean up pollutants.
C) development of new vaccines.
D) monitoring newly discovered disease organisms.
E) destroying organisms causing emerging infectious diseases.
15) Which of the following about the Golden Age of Medical Microbiology is FALSE?
A) It started with the development of the first microscopes.
B) It occurred during the late 1800s to the early 1900s.
C) It is a time when the knowledge of bacteria and work with them expanded.
D) It was during this time that people realized that diseases could be caused by invisible agents.
E) It was a time when several major advances were made in microbiology.
16) Which of the following statements about newly emerging or reemerging diseases is FALSE?
A) They may be caused by changing lifestyles.



