
Organizational Behaviour: Understanding and Managing Life at Work 10th edition by Gary Johns Test ba

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51) By 2031, 60 percent of the population in Toronto and Vancouver will belong to a visible minority group.

Answer:  TRUE

Diff: 2     Type: TF     Page Ref: 19

Skill:  Recall

Objective:  1.7 Describe the four contemporary management concerns facing organizations and how organizational behaviour can help organizations understand and manage these concerns.



52) A study of professionals found that 46 percent of Canadian workers feel more stressed out today than they were five years ago.

Answer:  TRUE

Diff: 2     Type: TF     Page Ref: 20

Skill:  Recall

Objective:  1.7 Describe the four contemporary management concerns facing organizations and how organizational behaviour can help organizations understand and manage these concerns.


53) An increasing number of Canadian workers, especially men, are struggling to achieve work-life balance.

Answer:  FALSE

Diff: 1     Type: TF     Page Ref: 20

Skill:  Recall

Objective:  1.7 Describe the four contemporary management concerns facing organizations and how organizational behaviour can help organizations understand and manage these concerns.

54) Mental illness in Canada is costing businesses billions of dollars in lost productivity and absenteeism.

Answer:  TRUE

Diff: 1     Type: TF     Page Ref: 20

Skill:  Recall

Objective:  1.7 Describe the four contemporary management concerns facing organizations and how organizational behaviour can help organizations understand and manage these concerns.


55) POB refers to psychological organizational behaviour.

Answer:  FALSE

Diff: 1     Type: TF     Page Ref: 22

Skill:  Recall

Objective:  1.7 Describe the four contemporary management concerns facing organizations and how organizational behaviour can help organizations understand and manage these concerns.


56) According to POB, psychological capacities can be measured and developed but not managed.

Answer:  FALSE

Diff: 2     Type: TF     Page Ref: 22

Skill:  Recall

Objective:  1.7 Describe the four contemporary management concerns facing organizations and how organizational behaviour can help organizations understand and manage these concerns.


57) PCI refers to psychological capabilities intervention.

Answer:  FALSE

Diff: 1     Type: TF     Page Ref: 23

Skill:  Recall

Objective:  1.7 Describe the four contemporary management concerns facing organizations and how organizational behaviour can help organizations understand and manage these concerns.



58) Employee engagement is characterized by vigour, dedication, and ________.

Answer:  absorption

Diff: 2     Type: SA     Page Ref: 23

Skill:  Recall

Objective:  1.7 Describe the four contemporary management concerns facing organizations and how organizational behaviour can help organizations understand and manage these concerns.


59) The direct cost of absenteeism due to high ________ is approximately $3-5 billion per year.

Answer:  work-life conflict

Diff: 2     Type: SA     Page Ref: 20

Skill:  Recall

Objective:  1.7 Describe the four contemporary management concerns facing organizations and how organizational behaviour can help organizations understand and manage these concerns.


60) Canada's top CEOs believe that ________ has become their number one priority.



