
Organizational Behaviour: Understanding and Managing Life at Work 10th edition by Gary Johns Test ba

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Answer:  Talent management refers to an organization's processes for attracting, developing, retaining, and utilizing people with the required skills to meet current and future business needs. Many organizational behaviour practices are associated with attracting, developing, retaining, and utilizing people. Organizational behaviour provides the means for organizations to be designed and managed in ways that optimize the attraction, development, retention, engagement, and performance of talent. Examples described in the text include providing opportunities for learning, designing jobs that are challenging, meaningful, and rewarding, providing recognition and monetary rewards for performance, managing a diverse workforce, offering flexible work arrangements, and providing effective leadership. These are some of the things associated with organizational behaviour that can help an organization improve the management of talent.

Diff: 3     Type: ES     Page Ref: 23

Skill:  Recall

Objective:  1.7 Describe the four contemporary management concerns facing organizations and how organizational behaviour can help organizations understand and manage these concerns.


82) What is work engagement and why have organizations become so concerned about it? What does organizational behaviour have to do with employee engagement?

Answer:  Work engagement refers to a positive work-related state of mind that is characterized by vigour, dedication, and absorption. Organizations have become concerned about it because it has been reported that only one-third of workers are engaged in their work and yet engaged workers have more positive work attitudes and higher job performance. In addition, engagement is considered to be a key factor for an organization's success and competitiveness and can have a significant effect on productivity, customer satisfaction, profitability, innovation, and quality.

Diff: 3     Type: ES     Page Ref: 23

Skill:  Recall

Objective:  1.7 Describe the four contemporary management concerns facing organizations and how organizational behaviour can help organizations understand and manage these concerns.


83) What is positive organizational behaviour and how can it contribute to employee health and well-being?

Answer:  Positive organizational behaviour (POB) is "the study and application of positively oriented human resource strengths and psychological capacities that can be measured, developed, and effectively managed for performance improvement in today's workplace." The psychological capacities are known as psychological capital (PsyCap) and they refer to an individual's positive psychological state of development that is characterized by self-efficacy, optimism, hope, and resilience. Self-efficacy refers to one's confidence to take on and put in the necessary effort to succeed at challenging tasks; optimism involves making internal attributions about positive events in the present and future and external attributions about negative events; hope refers to persevering toward one's goals, and when necessary making changes and using multiple pathways to achieve one's goals; and resilience refers to one's ability to bounce back or rebound from adversity and setbacks to attain success. PsyCap is positively related to employee psychological well-being as well as more positive job attitudes, behaviours, and job performance, and negatively related to undesirable attitudes and behaviours such as employee anxiety, stress, and turnover intentions. POB can contribute to employee health and well-being by developing employees' PsyCap. This can be done with PsyCap interventions (PCI) that focus on enhancing each of the components of PsyCap and have been found to be effective for developing employees' PsyCap. Thus, POB is an effective approach for organizations to improve employee health and well-being by developing employees' PsyCap.

Diff: 3     Type: ES     Page Ref: 22

Skill:  Recall

Objective:  1.7 Describe the four contemporary management concerns facing organizations and how organizational behaviour can help organizations understand and manage these concerns.


84) Why should organizations be concerned about the mental health of employees and what can they do to address mental illness in the workplace?

Answer:  Organizations should be concerned about the mental health of their employees for a number of reasons. Mental illness in Canada is on the rise and is said to be costing business billions of dollars in lost productivity and absenteeism. It is estimated that by 2020 mental health problems will be the second cause of disability. In 2013 a new national standard for workplace mental health and safety (Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace) was introduced to help Canadian organizations create workplaces that promote a mentally healthy workplace and support employees dealing with mental illness. The standard provides guidelines to help organizations identify potential hazards to mental health and how they can improve policies and practices. To address mental illness in the workplace, organizations can implement mental health initiatives make mental health a priority at work. Thus, wellness programs should focus on mental health and not just physical health and well-being.
