
Psychology An Exploration 4th Edition by Saundra Ciccarelli test bank

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Incorrect. The correct psychologist referred to in this question is Robert Prentiss Daniel
          c) Robert Prentiss Daniel
Correct. This is the individual referred to in this particular question.
          d) Albert Sidney Beckham
Topic: The History of Psychology
ANS: c, Remember the Facts, LO 1.1 Describe the contributions of some of the early pioneers in psychology., (3)
Three Influential Approaches: Gestalt, Psychoanalysis, and Behaviorism
Learning Objective 1.2 - Summarize the basic ideas and the important people behind the early approaches known as Gestalt, psychoanalysis, and behaviorism.
TB_01_23_The History of Psychology_Understand_LO 1.2, APA 1.2
Which type of early psychologist believed that “the whole is more than the sum of its parts”?
a) Gestaltist
Correct. The Gestaltists studied the perception of wholes.
b) behaviorist    
c) structuralist
Incorrect. Structuralists focused on the elements of consciousness.
d) functionalist
Topic: The History of Psychology
ANS: a, Understand the Concepts,  LO 1.2 Summarize the basic ideas and who were the important people behind the early approaches known as Gestalt, psychoanalysis, and behaviorism., (2)
% correct 68      a= 68  b= 4  c= 19  d= 9      r = .39
TB_01_24_The History of Psychology_Understand_LO 1.2, APA 1.2
“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts” is a statement associated with the perspective of ________.
a) introspection
b) functionalism
c) psychoanalysis
Incorrect. Psychoanalysis was concerned with unconsciousness, not “wholes.”
d) Gestalt psychologists
Correct. “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts” was the theme of the Gestaltists.
Topic: The History of Psychology
ANS: d, Understand the Concepts, LO 1.2 Summarize the basic ideas and who were the important people behind the early approaches known as Gestalt, psychoanalysis, and behaviorism., (3)
% correct 55      a= 14  b= 21  c= 11  d= 55      r = .43
TB_01_25_The History of Psychology_Apply_LO 1.2, APA 1.2
While on a visit to New York City, you observe several broadway signs in which a series of lights seems to move. Which perspective in psychology would most likely help you understand this phenomenon?
a) Gestalt
Correct. Gestaltists focused on perception of wholes.
b) behavioral
c) humanistic
d) psychodynamic
Incorrect. This theory focused on the unconscious.
Topic: The History of Psychology
ANS: a, Apply What You Know, LO 1.2 Summarize the basic ideas and who were the important people behind the early approaches known as Gestalt, psychoanalysis, and behaviorism., (2)
TB_01_26_The History of Psychology_Understand_LO 1.2, APA 1.2
Gestalt psychology attempted to discover:
a) how the mind helped people adapt to the world.
b) the overall patterns of perceptions and thoughts.
Correct. Gestalt psychologists looked at larger wholes, rather than individual parts.
c) the basic building blocks of consciousness.
Incorrect. This would be an emphasis of structuralists, not Gestalt psychologists.
d) the unconscious motivations for human functioning.
Topic: The History of Psychology
ANS: b, Understand the Concepts, LO 1.2 Summarize the basic ideas and who were the important people behind the early approaches known as Gestalt, psychoanalysis, and behaviorism., (2)
TB_01_27_The History of Psychology_Analyze_LO 1.2, APA 1.2
The early perspective called Gestalt psychology has evolved into the current perspective called
         a) psychoanalysis
         b) cognitive psychology
Correct. Gestalt psychology is now part of cognitive psychology, which focuses on perception as well as learning, memory, and thought processes.
         c) behavioral psychology
Incorrect. This area of psychology only focuses on observable behavior.
         d) social psychology
Topic: The History of Psychology
ANS: b, Analyze It, LO 1.2 Summarize the basic ideas and who were the important people behind the early approaches known as Gestalt, psychoanalysis, and behaviorism., (2) 
% correct 63      a= 13  b= 63  c= 15  d= 9      r = .32



