
Psychology An Exploration 4th Edition by Saundra Ciccarelli test bank

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TB_01_28_The History of Psychology_Understand_LO 1.2, APA 1.2
The belief that the unconscious mind has an influence on one’s behavior is part of what early field of psychology?
          a) structuralism
Incorrect. Structuralism does not examine the unconscious.
          b) functionalism
          c) psychoanalysis
Correct. The unconscious is a major component of psychoanalysis.
          d) behaviorism
Topic: The History of Psychology
ANS: c, Understand the Concepts, LO 1.2 Summarize the basic ideas and who were the important people behind the early approaches known as Gestalt, psychoanalysis, and behaviorism., (3)
% correct 56      a= 7  b= 9  c= 56  d= 27      r = .37
TB_01_29_The History of Psychology_Remember_LO 1.2, APA 1.2
What did Sigmund Freud consider as the key to understanding the nervous disorders he observed?
          a) free will
          b) brain physiology
Incorrect. There was no physical cause to the problems patients had.
          c) the unconscious mind
Correct. Freud’s entire theory centered on the unconscious.
          d) external consequences
Topic: The History of Psychology
ANS: c, Remember the Facts, LO 1.2 Summarize the basic ideas and who were the important people behind the early approaches known as Gestalt, psychoanalysis, and behaviorism., (1)
% correct 88      a= 1  b= 6  c= 88  d= 4      r = .42
TB_01_30_The History of Psychology_Apply_LO 1.2, APA 1.2
The class is playing a game of Jeopardy! and it is your turn. “I’ll take Pioneers in Psychology for $50.” The revealed answer is “Focused on unconscious factors.” Just before the buzzer sounds, what will you say?
          a) “Who is B.F. Skinner?”
Incorrect. Skinner rejected the unconscious.
          b) “Who are the humanists?”
          c) “Who is Sigmund Freud?”
Correct. Freud based his entire theory on the unconscious.
          d) “Who are the behaviorists?”
Topic: The History of Psychology
ANS: c, Apply What You Know, LO 1.2 Summarize the basic ideas and who were the important people behind the early approaches known as Gestalt, psychoanalysis, and behaviorism., (1)
TB_01_31_The History of Psychology_Remember_LO 1.2, APA 1.2
Freud stressed the importance of ________.
          a) early childhood experiences
Correct. Freud believed personality was formed in the first six years of life.
          b) adolescence
Incorrect. Freud stressed the first six years.
          c) early adulthood
          d) middle adulthood
Topic: The History of Psychology
ANS: a, Remember the Facts, LO 1.2 Summarize the basic ideas and who were the important people behind the early approaches known as Gestalt, psychoanalysis, and behaviorism., (1)
% correct 79      a= 79  b= 14  c= 5  d= 2      r = .24
TB_01_32_The History of Psychology_Understand_LO 1.2, APA 1.2
According to Freud, repressed unconscious urges:
a) are able to be suppressed.
b) only pertain to sex.
Incorrect. Freud also felt that unconscious urges were related to aggressive impulses.
c) can surface and create nervous disorders.
Correct. Freud believed that unconscious urges could not stay completely unconscious indefinitely, and that they would be expressed in one way or another.
d) have no impact on everyday life.
Topic: The History of Psychology
ANS: c, Understand the Concepts, LO 1.2 Summarize the basic ideas and who were the important people behind the early approaches known as Gestalt, psychoanalysis, and behaviorism., (2)
TB_01_33_The History of Psychology_Analyze_LO 1.2, APA 1.2
The work of Freud was built around ________.
a) a theory of personality that emphasizes the awareness of one’s own cognitive processes



