
Psychology An Exploration 4th Edition by Saundra Ciccarelli test bank

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% correct 75      a= 75  b= 6  c= 14  d= 3      r = .38
% correct 78      a= 78  b= 3  c= 16  d= 3      r = .34
TB_01_39_The History of Psychology_Remember_LO 1.2, APA 1.2
The Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov discovered that ________.
          a) dogs would salivate to the sound of a ticking metronome due to habituation
Incorrect. Conditioning, not habituation, is the correct answer.
          b) dogs would salivate to the sounds of a ticking metronome due to reflexology
          c) dogs would salivate to the sound of a ticking metronome due to a learned reflexive response called conditioning
Correct. Dogs would salivate due to conditioning.
          d) dogs would salivate to the sounds of a ticking metronome due to their fear response
Topic: The History of Psychology
ANS: c, Remember the Facts, LO 1.2 Summarize the basic ideas and who were the important people behind the early approaches known as Gestalt, psychoanalysis, and behaviorism., (1)
TB_01_40_The History of Psychology_Apply_LO 1.2, APA 1.1, 1.2
River noticed that when her alarm clock goes off in the morning, her cat is standing by her bed. This is because she immediately rolls out of bed and feeds the cat, who very much enjoys his canned cat food. It is likely that ________.
River has conditioned the cat to enjoy canned cat food
Incorrect. The cat’s enjoyment of cat food would be an unconditioned response, not a conditioned response.
b)  River has conditioned the cat to sleep next to her bed
c)  River has conditioned the cat to salivate over canned cat food
d)  River has conditioned the cat to the sound of her alarm clock
Correct. The cat has learned to associate the sound of the alarm clock with being fed.
Topic: The History of Psychology
ANS: d, Apply What You Know, LO 1.2 Summarize the basic ideas and who were the important people behind the early approaches known as Gestalt, psychoanalysis, and behaviorism., (2)
APA=1.1; 1.2
TB_01_41_The History of Psychology_Remember_LO 1.2, APA 1.2
Pavlov’s research demonstrated that ________.
involuntary reaction (salivation) could occur in response to an unrelated stimulus (sound of a bell)
Correct. This is true based on his research of conditioning.
an unrelated stimulus (salivation) could occur in response to an involuntary reaction (sound of a bell)
Incorrect. This is not true, as the involuntary reaction is salivation and the unrelated stimulus is the sound of the bell.
involuntary reaction (sound of a bell) could occur in response to an unrelated stimulus (food)
an unrelated stimulus (food) could occur in response to an unrelated stimulus (barking)
Topic: The History of Psychology
ANS: a, Remember the Facts, LO 1.2 Summarize the basic ideas and who were the important people behind the early approaches known as Gestalt, psychoanalysis, and behaviorism., (1)
% correct 86      a= 86  b= 6  c= 8  d= 0      r = .43
TB_01_42_The History of Psychology_Analyze_LO 1.2, APA 1.2
Freud said phobias were ________ whereas Watson said phobias were ________.
          a) learned; inherited
          b) repressed conflicts; learned
Correct. Freud studied repressed conflict and Watson studied observable behavior.
          c) sexual; unconscious
Incorrect. Watson did not believe in the unconscious.
          d) conditioned; unconditioned
Topic: The History of Psychology
ANS: b, Analyze It, LO 1.2 Summarize the basic ideas and who were the important people behind the early approaches known as Gestalt, psychoanalysis, and behaviorism., (2)  
TB_01_43_The History of Psychology_Analyze_LO 1.2, APA 1.2
Which pair of scientists shared the most similar views of behavior?
          a) William James and Wilhelm Wundt
Incorrect. One was a functionalist and the other was a structuralist.
          b) B. F. Skinner and Max Wertheimer
          c) Ivan Pavlov and John B. Watson
Correct. They used conditioning in their theories.
          d) Carl Rogers and Edward Titchener



