
Psychology An Exploration 4th Edition by Saundra Ciccarelli test bank

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Topic: The History of Psychology
ANS: c, Analyze It, LO 1.2 Summarize the basic ideas and who were the important people behind the early approaches known as Gestalt, psychoanalysis, and behaviorism., (3)
% correct 46      a= 31  b= 19  c= 46  d= 5      r = .28
TB_01_44_The History of Psychology_Remember_LO 1.2, APA 1.2
Which founding contributors to psychology helped develop behaviorism?
Gestalt and Wundt
Freud and Watson
Incorrect. Freud was a psychoanalyst.
Watson and Pavlov
Correct. They contributed to behaviorism.
Pavlov and Wundt
Topic: The History of Psychology
ANS: c, Remember the Facts, LO 1.2 Summarize the basic ideas and who were the important people behind the early approaches known as Gestalt, psychoanalysis, and behaviorism., (2)
% correct 78      a= 6  b= 10  c= 78  d= 7      r = .49
TB_01_45_The History of Psychology_Apply_LO 1.2, APA 1.2
Suppose you were a graduate student studying for a Ph.D. in psychology in the 1920s. Your advisor was strongly influenced by John B. Watson. Which of the following might your advisor consider an acceptable choice for your research?
             a) a survey of daydreams
             b) an analysis of how specific behaviors are acquired
Correct. Watson believed observable behavior should be the focus of study.
             c) a survey of sexual imagery in dreams of men and women
             d) an analysis of the thought processes students report while answering test items
Incorrect. You cannot observe thought processes.
Topic: The History of Psychology
ANS: b, Apply What You Know, LO 1.2 Summarize the basic ideas and who were the important people behind the early approaches known as Gestalt, psychoanalysis, and behaviorism., (2)
% correct 81       a=7   b= 81  c=3   d= 7      r = .45
The Field of Psychology Today
Modern Perspectives
Learning Objective 1.3 - Summarize the basic ideas behind the seven modern perspectives in psychology.
TB_01_46_The Field of Psychology Today_Remember_LO 1.3, APA 1.2
The psychodynamic perspective was based on the work of ________.
             a) Watson
Incorrect. Watson was a behaviorist.
             b) Wundt
             c) Gestalt
             d) Freud
Correct. Freud developed the psychodynamic theory.
Topic: The Field of Psychology Today
ANS: d, Remember the Facts, LO 1.3 Summarize the basic ideas behind the seven modern perspectives in psychology., (3)
% correct 62      a= 23  b= 2  c= 12  d= 62      r = .42
% correct 55      a= 10  b= 21  c= 14  d= 55      r = .38
TB_01_47_The Field of Psychology Today_Apply_LO 1.3, APA 1.2
Professor Graham approaches questions about human behavior from a perspective that emphasizes unconscious processes within the individual, such as inner forces or conflicts. It is most likely that she accepts which of the following psychological approaches?
               a) social-cognitive learning
               b) behaviorism
               c) the cognitive approach
Incorrect. The cognitive approach focuses on how people think, remember, and store information, not on the unconscious.
                            d) the psychodynamic approach
Correct. The psychodynamic approach emphasizes unconscious dynamics.
Topic: The Field of Psychology Today
ANS: d, Apply What You Know, LO 1.3 Summarize the basic ideas behind the seven modern perspectives in psychology., (2)
TB_01_48_The Field of Psychology Today_Remember_LO 1.3, APA 1.2



