
International Marketing 18th Edition by Philip Cateora Test bank

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C) since without which, understanding the cultural traits of one's own country is impossible
D) because an average manager must have extensive cultural knowledge of all countries in the world
E) because cultural influence on one's own market behavior is generally minimal

65) A globally aware manager is characterized by
A) using one's home culture's values alone to market one's products in foreign countries
B) accepting the cultural ways of another individual as his or her own
C) tolerating cultural differences and allowing others to be different and equal
D) discarding one's home culture's standards to adopt the global cultural standards
E) controlling any influences that the global cultural standards may have on the marketing process
66) Tomas is a manager at a frozen food company and wants to understand the way people in different countries think and act so that the company can respond to their needs appropriately. What is the best aid he can use to accomplish this?
A) a sound financial background
B) better political connections
C) an understanding of foreign investment opportunities
D) an understanding of macroeconomics
E) knowledge of the foreign country's history
67) What is the most effective way to achieve organizational global awareness?
A) hiring entry-level employees based on the sole criterion of global awareness
B) organizing frequent employee trips to foreign cultures to increase their sensitivity
C) increasing the diversity mix of the front-level employee profile
D) having a culturally diverse senior executive staff or board of directors
E) promoting social networking as a means to improve inter-cultural communication
68) Which firm seems better equipped for internationalization?
A) a firm that sells its products only to those foreign customers who directly contact the firm
B) a firm that has a production capacity that is larger than home market demand
C) a firm that focuses its production activities on meeting the demands in the home market
D) a firm that has a culturally diverse employee profile but few competitive offerings at the global level
E) a firm that has little intention of maintaining a continuous market representation
69) Which firm has a better chance of accelerating the internationalization process?
A) Box-Co has key managers well-networked internationally.
B) Ironworks International uses more traditional manufacturing practices.
C) Piano Plus primarily focuses all its operations and production capacities to meet the domestic market needs.
D) Animal Awareness and Action refrains from using the Internet as its major communication platform.
E) Kenilworth Karts has larger home markets and smaller production capacities.

70) When considering the stages of international marketing involvement, it is important to remember that
A) a firm essentially progresses through the stages in a linear order.
B) the international marketing stage is a direct result of temporary surpluses caused by variations in production levels or demand.
C) a larger home market with a smaller production base favors internationalization.
D) a firm may be in more than one stage simultaneously.
E) at the global marketing level, a firm focuses on market segmentation based on geographical borders.
71) In the context of stages of international marketing involvement, a company's product reaches a foreign market without any conscious effort on the part of a marketer during which stage of the process?
A) infrequent foreign marketing stage
B) regular foreign marketing stage
C) no direct foreign marketing stage
D) international marketing stage
E) global marketing stage
72) Watson's, a firm that specializes in dog food and grooming products, has a very well-established domestic market. The company does not actively sell its products outside national borders but provides goods to customers who contact them directly or place orders with them through the Internet. Watson's is currently in the ________ stage of international marketing involvement.
A) frequent foreign marketing
B) active foreign marketing
C) global marketing
D) regular foreign marketing
E) no direct foreign marketing
73) While Heidi's company does not typically sell internationally, they have a temporary surplus in the small appliances they manufacture and decide to promote them in other countries. Which stage of international marketing involvement does this represent?
A) infrequent foreign marketing stage
B) regular foreign marketing stage
C) no direct foreign marketing stage
D) international marketing stage



