
Abnormal Psychology An Integrative Approach 6th canadian Edition by David H. Barlow Test bank

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 a. You believe that insulin therapy is too expensive.
 b. You believe that insulin therapy is too dangerous.
 c. You believe that insulin therapy is not effective.
 d. You believe that insulin therapy is unethical.
39. Why was electroconvulsive therapy originally used as a therapy for schizophrenia?
 a. It was (mistakenly) observed that schizophrenia was rarely found in people with epilepsy.
 b. It was (mistakenly) observed that it could reduce brain seizures, providing a cure.
 c. It was (mistakenly) observed to induce convulsions and stimulated appetite in psychotic patients.
 d. It was (mistakenly) observed to alleviate the depression that often accompanies schizophrenia.
40. In the middle of the 20th century, what were some of the first effective drugs for psychological disorders?
 a. benzodiazepines to treat depressionb. bromides and opium for sedation
 c. insulin and neuroleptics for sedationd. neuroleptics for psychotic symptoms
41. In many parts of the world during the 1970s, what would an individual suffering from an anxiety disorder most likely have been prescribed?
 a. bromidesb. neuroleptics
 c. benzodiazepinesd. electroconvulsive therapy
42. The discovery of certain tranquilizers made it possible to control psychotic symptoms, including hallucinations and delusions. What kind of drugs were these tranquilizers?
 a. neurolepticsb. bromides
 c. benzodiazepinesd. opiates
43. In the late 1800s, there was an emphasis on biological causes of mental disorders, which ironically reduced interest in treatments for mental patients. Why did this happen?
 a. It was thought that hospital staff were not adequately trained to administer new treatments.
 b. It was thought that patients would improve more rapidly if they were not hospitalized.
 c. It was thought that mental illness due to brain pathology was incurable.
 d. It was thought that physicians should devote more time to the physically ill.
44. Why was Emil Kraeplin’s lasting contribution to modern psychiatry in the area of diagnosis and classification of psychological disorders, rather than that of treatment?
 a. because of his discomfort with actually working with patients
 b. because of his conviction that better diagnosis was necessary for more effective treatment
 c. because of his belief that these disorders were due to brain pathology
 d. because of his belief in the influence of the social environment in mental illness
45. Which Greek philosopher suggested that maladaptive behaviour was rooted in social and cultural factors?
 a. Galenb. Hippocrates
 c. Platod. Aristotle
46. In the psychosocial approach called “moral therapy,” what does the term “moral” mean?
 a. emotionalb. ethical
 c. religiousd. story
47. Whose work lead to a decline in moral therapy?
 a. John Greyb. Dorothea Dix
 c. Aristotled. Sigmund Freud
48. As a result of moral therapy, what was eliminated in asylums in the mid-18th century?
 a. physical restraints and seclusion
 b. individual attention from the hospital staff
 c. lectures on interesting subjects for hospitalized patients
 d. opportunities for normal social interaction
49. When did moral therapy work best?
 a. when it was used with groups of patients, rather than through individual attention to patients
 b. when the number of patients in an institution was 200 or fewer
 c. when it was used in populations of immigrants and the poor
 d. when it was supplemented by the use of restraint and seclusion
50. What movement did Dorothea Dix start?
 a. the mental hygiene movementb. the moral movement
 c. the humane therapy movementd. the deinstitutionalization movement



