
Abnormal Psychology An Integrative Approach 6th canadian Edition by David H. Barlow Test bank

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51. What is the most notable contribution of Clarence Hincks?
 a. He argued that mental illness is treatable with a combination of drugs and individualized attention.
 b. He argued that mental illness was incurable but more humane institutions were needed to care for the mentally ill.
 c. He argued that mental illness was caused by brain pathology and, therefore, was incurable and that therapy should consist of learning to cope with symptoms.
 d. He argued that mental illness was treatable, which was contrary to the prevailing view at the time.
52. Anton Mesmer, an early 18th-century physician, purported to cure patients by unblocking the flow of a bodily fluid he called “animal magnetism.” Benjamin Franklin’s double-blind experiment indicated that any effectiveness of Mesmer’s methods was actually because of which of the following?
 a. undetectable magnetic fieldsb. chemically induced humoral balance
 c. the power of suggestiond. mental telepathy
53. What did Jean Charcot find when he used a variation of Mesmer’s techniques?
 a. These methods were effective in treating a number of psychological disorders.
 b. These methods were no more effective than previous methods he had used.
 c. Patients were better able to understand the link between their emotional problems and their psychological disorder.
 d. The symptoms of some patients actually worsened.
54. Realizing patients are often unaware of material previously recalled under hypnosis, Breuer and Freud hypothesized the existence of a concept considered one of the most important developments in the history of psychopathology. What was that concept?
 a. psychosisb. the unconscious mind
 c. catharsisd. repression
55. What did Freud and Breuer discover about the process known as “catharsis”?
 a. They discovered that it reduces psychotic symptoms such as hallucinations and delusions.
 b. They discovered that it occurs beyond the conscious awareness of the patient.
 c. They discovered that it leads to insight.
 d. They discovered that the power of suggestion subconsciously changed behaviour.
56. In 1895, how did neurologist Josef Breuer treat Anna O.’s hysterical symptoms?
 a. using mesmerismb. using hydrotherapy
 c. using the placebo effectd. using hypnosis
57. Which of the following is NOT included as part of Freud’s structure of the mind?
 a. psycheb. superego
 c. egod. id
58. In Freudian theory, the terms “libido” and “thanatos” represent two basic but opposing drives. What are they?
 a. life and deathb. pleasure and pain
 c. sex and celibacyd. good and evil
59. You have just read a newspaper article about a savage rape and murder. You wonder how anyone could commit such a horrible crime. Then you recall from your study of Freudian theory that anyone could be a killer or rapist if certain impulses are not well controlled. Which term best describes these impulses?
 a. intrapsychic forcesb. a libidinous desire
 c. the drive of the idd. primitive forces
60. The ego operates according to one principle, and the id operates according to another principle. What are they, respectively?
 a. reality; pleasureb. conscious; unconscious
 c. pleasure; aggressiond. reality; aggression
61. According to psychoanalytic theory, what function does a person develop early in life to ensure that they can adapt to the demands of the real world while still finding ways of meeting their basic needs?
 a. idb. conscience
 c. superegod. ego
62. According to psychoanalytic theory, the id operates according to the pleasure principle. What does that mean?
 a. It uses secondary-process thinking.
 b. It thinks in an unemotional, logical, and rational manner.
 c. It is sexual, aggressive, selfish, and envious.



