
Abnormal Psychology An Integrative Approach 6th canadian Edition by David H. Barlow Test bank

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 d. It adheres to social rules and regulations.
63. A classmate in your psychology course is worried about the selfish and sometimes dangerous drives of the id. What should you say to your classmate to address this fear?
 a. Because id impulses are usually part of conscious awareness, we can learn to control them.
 b. Id fantasies never become part of conscious awareness, so we never act on them.
 c. Each of us develops an ego to help us behave more realistically.
 d. The selfish drives of the id are transformed to positive emotional expressions.
64. According to psychoanalytic theory, what is the role of the ego?
 a. to counteract the aggressive and sexual drives of the id
 b. to maximize pleasure and reduce tension
 c. to mediate conflict between the id and the superego
 d. to increase self-esteem and a strong sense of identity
65. In Freud’s structure of the mind, which two elements are almost entirely unconscious?
 a. the ego and the idb. the id and the superego
 c. the conscience and the egod. the superego and the ego
66. According to psychoanalytic theory, what do the conflicts between the id and the superego often lead to?
 a. anxietyb. anger
 c. violent behaviourd. depression
67. According to Freudian theory, anxiety is a signal for the ego to marshal its mechanisms of defence. This is a function of which of the following?
 a. reality-based actionsb. conscious efforts to maintain control
 c. unconscious protective processesd. primitive emotional responses
68. Which of the following is a characteristic of how defence mechanisms affect coping styles?
 a. They are dependent upon the age of the person and how they are used.
 b. They can be either adaptive or maladaptive.
 c. They are self-defeating.
 d. They are adaptive.
69. Trent is in psychoanalysis and states to his therapist that he thinks that his wife is considering having an affair with her co-worker. Later in the session, Trent admits that he is tempted to start an affair with his own co-worker. What defence mechanism was Trent displaying when he accused his wife of thinking about being unfaithful?
 a. sublimationb. projection
 c. displacementd. denial
70. Mrs. Babcock received a very poor rating from her supervisor, who had been constantly criticizing her in front of her co-workers. When she got home, her children ran up to greet her, all talking at once. She responded by yelling, “Leave me alone! Can’t you see I’m tired?” According to psychoanalytic theory, which defence mechanism does this situation illustrate?
 a. projectionb. displacement
 c. repressiond. rationalization
71. Jack and Kelly have been dating for six months. Kelly is not interested in continuing their relationship. She calls Jack and informs him that although she cares about him, she must end their relationship. Jack laughs and says, “Funny joke.” Kelly states, “This is not a joke; I am serious.” Jack then says, “I’ll pick you up in an hour for dinner.” Which defence mechanism does this example illustrate?
 a. displacementb. projection
 c. deniald. repression
72. After receiving the results of four different sets of tests, Mary’s doctor tells her that she has cancer. Mary states, “This can’t be true; I’m going to get a second opinion.” Which defence mechanism does this example illustrate?
 a. displacementb. denial
 c. projectiond. repression
73. In which defence mechanism does an individual substitute behaviour, thoughts, or feelings that are the direct opposite of unacceptable ones?
 a. displacementb. repression
 c. rationalizationd. reaction formation
74. Which of the following is an example of a healthy defence mechanism?
 a. sublimationb. projection



