
Essentials of Biology 6th Edition by Sylvia Mader test bank

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of biodiversity
Section: 01.04

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Award: 10.00 points
Metabolic reactions and energy conversions
Living organisms must constantly take in energy in order to power functions necessary to remain
alive. All of the chemical reactions that involve energy conversions within a cell are called
Energy conversions, like all other chemical reactions in a cell, are part of the metabolism of a cell.
Chemical reactions that build substances consume energy and chemical reactions that break things
apart release energy.
Multiple Choice Metabolic reactions
and energy
Section: 01.01

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Award: 10.00 points
Conditions for metabolic reactions
For metabolic processes to occur within their cells, all living organisms need to maintain
homeostasis which means they need 
to maintain the correct internal temperature, moisture level, and acidity as well as other
to rely on the external conditions in the environment to maintain their body temperature.
minute to minute and day to day fluctuations in body temperature, moisture level and
to eat other organisms for energy and nutrition.
to constantly evolve as the environment changes around them.
 For metabolic processes to continue, living organisms need to keep themselves stable with regard
to temperature, moisture level, acidity, and other factors critical to maintaining life. Many of the
metabolic activities of an organism are involved in maintaining homeostasis,or an internal
environment that acts within a set of physiological boundaries
Multiple Choice Conditions for
metabolic reactions
Section: 01.01
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Award: 10.00 points
The results of natural selection
The process of ________ leads to organisms that are ________ that environment.
natural selection; adapted to
adaption; evolved for
homeostasis; suited to
natural selection; perfect for
adaptation; only found in
Natural selection leads to organisms that are better suited to their current environment.
Multiple Choice The results of
natural selection
Section: 01.02
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Award: 10.00 points
The results of natural selection II
In general, evolutionary processes lead to organisms that
are perfect.
function well in a given environment.
can only survive in that one environment.
have a single adaptive trait.
become extinct.
Natural selection leads to organisms that have groups of traits that function well in a given
environment, but there will never be a perfect organism.
Multiple Choice The results of
natural selection II
Section: 01.02

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Award: 10.00 points
The scientific meaning of theory III
In science, a theory
is tested by an experiment.
is more narrow in scope than a hypothesis.
encompasses many hypotheses.
cannot be tested.
is held to be an absolutely correct answer to a question.
A theory is tested and supported by many hypotheses. It is held to be the best explanation for
something in the natural world, but is not considered a perfect or absolute explanation.
Multiple Choice The scientific
meaning of theory III
Section: 01.03

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Award: 10.00 points
Using a control group
The purpose of a control group in an experiment is
to prove the hypothesis.
for comparison to the other test groups.
for comparison to the results of other experiments.
to prove the prediction.
to control the dependent variable.
A control group is used as a baseline comparison group for the test groups.
Multiple Choice Using a control
Section: 01.03

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Award: 10.00 points
Steps of the scientific method
Which answer choice lists the steps of the scientific method in the correct order?
observation, hypothesis, prediction, experiment, conclusion
hypothesis, observation, experiment, conclusion, predictions
conclusion, hypothesis, observation, experiment, predictions
observation, experiment, hypothesis, conclusion, prediction
prediction, conclusion, hypothesis, experiment, observation
In a typical application of the scientific method, observations are used to formulate a hypothesis. A



