
Essentials of Biology 6th Edition by Sylvia Mader test bank

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Award: 10.00 points
Experimental design II
Male amphibians, including frogs and toads, have been plagued by feminization, deformity,
behavioral abnormalities and sterility. Biologists from the University of Florida investigated whether
reproductive problems among populations of cane toads ( Bufo marinus ) are caused by poisons from
chemicals associated with agriculture. The biologists collected local adult cane toads from more
than 20 different locations. Toads were collected from areas close to agriculture, both large-scale
and small-scale farms, as well as from suburbs that are nonagricultural areas. Based on this study,
what is/are the test group(s)?
rev: 05_26_2020_QC_CS-213887
male toads collected from the suburbs
male toads collected from areas near large-scale and small-scale farms
female toads collected from all the different sites
male toads collected from all the different sites
male and female toads collected from areas near large-scale and small-scale farms
The test groups were male cane toads exposed to agricultural chemicals (the experimental variable)
associated with farms.
Multiple Choice Experimental design
Section: 01.03

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Award: 10.00 points
Classification of living things VII
Male amphibians, including frogs and toads, have been plagued by feminization, deformity,
behavioral abnormalities and sterility. Biologists from the University of Florida investigated whether
reproductive problems among populations of cane toads ( Bufo marinus ) are caused by poisons from
chemicals associated with agriculture. The biologists collected local adult cane toads from more
than 20 different locations. Toads were collected from areas close to agriculture, both large-scale
and small-scale farms, as well as from suburbs that are nonagricultural areas. In this study, what is
the genus of the study animal?
rev: 05_26_2020_QC_CS-213887
Bufo marinus
cane toad
Genus is the first part of the two-part binomial name.
Multiple Choice Classification of
living things VII
Section: 01.02

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Award: 10.00 points
The scientific meaning of theory
Male amphibians, including frogs and toads, have been plagued by feminization, deformity,
behavioral abnormalities and sterility. Biologists from the University of Florida investigated whether
reproductive problems among populations of cane toads ( Bufo marinus ) are caused by poisons from
chemicals associated with agriculture. The biologists collected local adult cane toads from more
than 20 different locations. Toads were collected from areas close to agriculture, both large-scale
and small-scale farms, as well as from suburbs that are nonagricultural areas. Data collected by the
biologists suggested a strong correlation between feminization of male toads and agricultural
chemicals. Is it accurate to state that the scientists had supported their theory that agricultural
chemicals cause deformities?
rev: 05_26_2020_QC_CS-213887
yes, the data collected during the study strongly supports their theory
no, the data did not show a link between the feminization of male toads and agricultural
no, the scientists were testing a hypothesis which is not the same things as a theory
yes, this was a controlled study.
no, this was a controlled study.
The biologists were testing a hypothesis that agricultural chemicals cause feminization in male
toads. Theories are much broader explanations of how the world works and are usually supported
by many years of observations and experiments.
Multiple Choice The scientific
meaning of theory
Section: 01.03

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Award: 10.00 points
Experimental design III
Which of the following statements is correctly matched to the step of the scientific method?
Biologists suggested that 2-3 cups of coffee per day can decrease death rates among
women. (Hypothesis)
Leslie set up mist nets to catch bats flying over a small stream. Each bat that was caught
was weighed and sexed. (Experimental design)
Bethany watched butterflies feeding in a large field of wild flowers. She noticed that more
butterflies approached the yellow and purple flowers than the red flowers. (Observation)
A researcher reported that red-foot tortoises preferred red-colored fruits and vegetables to
those that were green or white. (Conclusion)
All of the above statements are correctly matched.
All the statements are correctly matched to appropriate step of the scientific method.



