
Essentials of Biology 6th Edition by Sylvia Mader test bank

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Multiple Choice Experimental design
Section: 01.03

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Award: 10.00 points
Experimental design IV
Robert, an aspiring scientist in a biology class, wanted to conduct a study on the effects of cigarette
smoke on the web-building ability of spiders. Which of the following statements is an incorrect use
of terms pertaining to the scientific method?
Robert wanted to see if his  theory was true that cigarette smoke will influence web-
building in spiders.
Robert made the  observation that spiders weave webs.
As a  control , Robert had a group of spiders that were never exposed to cigarette smoke.
Robert examined the webs from both the control group and the test group and the  data
were recorded in a table.
Robert  concluded that there was no significant difference in the ability to weave a web
under conditions of cigarette smoke compared to spiders that were not exposed.
Robert wanted to see if his hypothesis was true that cigarette smoke will influence web-building in
spiders. A theory would need the support of many repeated experiments of this study by a large
number of scientists.
Multiple Choice Experimental design
Section: 01.03
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Award: 10.00 points
Experimental design V
Scientists were studying temperature selection amongst pregnant big brown bats. What would be
the best control group for this study?
pregnant bats
female bats that were not pregnant
male bats
juvenile male bats
juvenile female bats
Scientists try to vary just one experimental variable between the control and treatment
group.Therefore, the best control group for this study would be female bats that are not pregnant.
Multiple Choice Experimental design
Section: 01.03

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Award: 10.00 points
Experimental design VI
Scientists were studying temperature selection among pregnant big brown bats. What would the
test group be in this experiment?
pregnant bats
female bats that were not pregnant
male bats
juvenile male bats
juvenile female bats
The subjects of this study are pregnant big brown bats so they would form the experimental group.
Multiple Choice Experimental design
Section: 01.03
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Award: 10.00 points
The scientific meaning of theory II
Which of the following statement(s) is/are true with respect to scientific theory?
Theories are accepted explanations for how the world works.
The theory of evolution is considered the unifying concept in biology.
Theories can help scientists generate new testable hypotheses.
Theories are supported by many observations and experiments.
All of the statements about scientific theories are true.
All of the statements accurately describe a scientific theory.
Multiple Choice The scientific
meaning of theory II
Section: 01.03

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Award: 10.00 points
Effects of human activities on extinction
Which of the following is a true statement about extinction?
Many extinctions are associated with climate change.
It is estimated that presently we are losing hundreds of species every year due to human
It is estimated that as much as 38% of all species, including most primates, birds, and
amphibians, may be in danger of extinction before the end of the century.
Extinction is the death of a species or a larger taxonomic group.
All of the statements about extinction are true.
All of the statements accurately describe extinction.
Multiple Choice Effects of human
activities on
Section: 01.04

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Award: 10.00 points
The characteristics of biodiversity
Which of the following statements inaccurately describes biodiversity?
Biodiversity is the total number and relative abundance of species, the variability of their
genes, and the different ecosystems in which they live.
The biodiversity of our planet has been estimated to be around 8.7 million species.
The impact of human activities on biodiversity loss is one of the most significant bioethical
issues that we face today.
So far, approximately 6 million species have been identified and named.
Biologists are alarmed about the current rate of extinction.
So far, approximately 2.3 million species have been identified and named.
Multiple Choice The characteristics



