
Introduction to Clinical Psychology 4th Edition by John Hunsley test bank

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  • All of the above
  • Answer: D            Page: 14
    1. In the latter half of the 1700s, ________ had a large impact on the treatment of the mentally ill.
    1. the philosophical period of the enlightenment
    2. symptom-focused forms of psychotherapy 
    3. religious and spiritual leaders
    4. the law and reform movements
    Answer: A            Page: 14
    1. Increased attention to mental disorders in the 1800s led to the recognition that hysteria
    1. was not explainable by purely biological causes.
    2. could be effectively treated with traditional medicine.
    3. was entirely explainable by mental causes.
    4. could be treated with cognitive-behaviour therapy.
    Answer: A            Page: 16
    1. Until the middle part of the 20th century, the activities of clinical psychologists were mainly focused around
    1. intervention to alleviate mental disorders.
    2. the mistreatment of the mentally ill.
    3. assessment.
    4. collaboration with physicians.
    Answer: C            Page: 16
    1. This scholar advocated psychology as the study of human experience, and established the first psychology laboratory.
    1. Wilhelm Wundt
    2. William James
    3. Francis Galton
    4. James McKeen Cattell
    Answer: A            Page: 16
    1. Current mental disorder classification systems have their origins in the work of
    1. Emil Kraepelin.
    2. David Wechsler.
    3. Wilhelm Wundt.
    4. Alfred Binet.
    Answer: A            Page: 16
    1. Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon designed tests of mental ability mainly in order to
    1. identify gifted children targeted by for advanced learning.
    2. classify inmates for remediation programs.
    3. identify children in need of special education programs.
    4. classify soldiers for different jobs in the military.
    Answer: C            Page: 16
    1. Binet and Simon gathered normative data on children to establish
    1. probability of future criminal behaviour.
    2. information on their cognitive abilities.
    3. norms in social skills and aggression.
    4. differences in personality characteristics between adults and children.
    Answer: B            Page: 16
    1. The Army Beta test was developed to assess the _________________ of American army recruits in the First World War.
    1. verbal mental abilities
    2. nonverbal mental abilities
    3. ability to resist ‘shell-shock’
    4. leadership capacity
    Answer: B            Page: 17
    1. Psychology’s role in test construction and measurement in the United States was solidified by psychologists’s role in
    1. developing tests for the American military.
    2. developing intelligence tests for children.
    3. developing assessments of personality.
    4. research on assessment for specific mental disorders.
    Answer: A            Page: 17
    1. Projective tests require respondents to
    1. rate themselves on various dimensions of personality.
    2. complete a number of tasks measuring speed, number, and digit span.
    3. respond to ambiguous stimuli.
    4. make predictions about their future plans.
    Answer: C            Page: 17
    1. Paul Meehl’s review of the strengths and weaknesses of clinical and statistically-based assessment for diagnosing adults concluded that



