
Business Driven Information Systems 8th Edition by Paige Baltzan test bank

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439)       According to Fast Company magazine, a few executive levels you might see created over the next decade include chief intellectual property officer, chief automation officer, and chief user experience officer.
       ⊚   true
       ⊚   false


440)       The difference between existing MIS workplace knowledge and the knowledge required to fulfill the business goals and strategies is called a data analyst certification.
       ⊚   true
       ⊚   false


441)       Most chief technology officers do not possess a well-rounded knowledge of all aspects of MIS, such as hardware, software, and telecommunications.
       ⊚   true
       ⊚   false


442)       Many chief privacy officers (CPOs) are lawyers by training, enabling them to understand the often-complex legal issues surrounding the use of information.
       ⊚   true
       ⊚   false


443)       MIS skills gap is the difference between existing MIS workplace knowledge and the knowledge required to fulfill the business goals and strategies.
       ⊚   true
       ⊚   false


444)       In many instances, an MIS job will remain unfilled for an extended period when an employer needs to hire someone who has a very specific set of skills. In recruiting lingo, such candidates are referred to as purple turtles.
       ⊚   true
       ⊚   false


445)       Goods are material items or products that customers will buy to satisfy a want or need.
       ⊚   true
       ⊚   false


446)       Waiting tables, teaching, and cutting hair are all examples of services that people pay for to fulfill their needs.
       ⊚   true
       ⊚   false


447)       An overview of systems thinking includes input, process, output, and finances.
       ⊚   true
       ⊚   false


448)       A stakeholder is a person or group that has an interest or concern in an organization. Stakeholder’s drive business strategies, and depending on the stakeholder’s perspective, the business strategy can change. It is not uncommon to find stakeholder’s business strategies have conflicting interests such as investors looking to increase profits by eliminating employee jobs.
       ⊚   true
       ⊚   false


449)       Cars, groceries, and clothing are all examples of goods.
       ⊚   true
       ⊚   false


